Monday, February 23, 2009

The Emperor is Wearing Bush’s Clothes
(Bush’s Third Term V)

The list supporting President Obama’s validation and vindication of President Bush is now staggering:

President Obama asked four (4) US Senators who voted for the war to serve in his Administration; one as VP and one as Secretary of State, no small or insignificant positions.

President Obama asked one (1) US Representative who voted for the war to serve in his Administration.

President Obama asked Bush’s Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, to continue in that position.

President Obama has kept Bush’s Generals David Petraeus and Ray Odierno in their commands at CentComm and in Iraq, respectively.

President Obama is now considering leaving combat troops in Iraq for the next 23 months, almost 50% longer than promised during the campaign.

President Obama has maintained Bush’s policies regarding Gitmo.

President Obama reasserted Bush’s position on state secrets before the 9th Circuit Court.

President Obama reasserted Bush’s position on the constitutional rights of specific battlefield detainees.

President Obama voted for telecom immunity, for extending FISA, and, as far as we know, he is still monitoring terrorists.

President Obama is continuing Bush’s faith-based initiatives program.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who voted for the war, is now a champion of Bush’s 6-Party talks strategy for dealing with North Korea, a massive repudiation of Sen. John F. Kerry.

Speaking of Kerry, he was quoted this week as saying the Obama Administration's position on Hamas is the same as the "previous administration's." Oh, really? No official word from the White House if Sen. Kerry, who may not know in which branch of government he serves, was authorized to speak for the White House but ZACKlyRight has seen no repudiation of Kerry's remark.

Speaking of North Korea, President Obama promoted Bush’s chief North Korea negotiator as Ambassador to Iraq.

A State Department spokesperson recently said there is "no change in policy" toward Venezuela. There being no doubt the State Department is in the Executive Branch, we are quite sure the spokesperson did speak for the President.

I cannot possibly note or mark every Obama validation and vindication of Bush; I invite everyone to call it out if you see or hear of another.

For those who were wondering: Obama is flawless; if he says it or does it, it is the right thing to say or do; if he says or does anything that Bush said or did, Bush is validated or vindicated. Got it?


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