Thursday, February 14, 2008

Open Letter to Sen. Barack Obama

Dear Sen. Obama,

"Hope" is not a national security policy. (End of open letter to Sen. Barack Obama.)

I sent the following letter to the Boston Globe today; it's self-explanatory:


With Senate Democrats handing President Bush another victory in the war against terrorists on Tuesday (with the House to hopefully follow suit), passing his requested modifications to FISA, the President will expand, with Congress' acquiescence, the powers of the executive branch . . . yet again.

Whether during an upcoming debate or in an interview, it would be helpful if any member of the liberal media establishment could ask Sens. Clinton and Obama, "If elected President, of the many powers accrued the executive branch on President Bush's watch, which powers would you immediately cede back to your friends in Congress on your first day in office?"

The gnashing of teeth by liberal elites at President Bush's expansion of the powers of the Presidency is laughable given what we can presume about the answers. (End of letter.)

I sent this letter to the Boston Globe a few days ago; it's self-explanatory:


With liberal politcal cartoonist Matt Davies' cartoon of February 7 (published in the Boston Sunday Globe on February 10), the ultimate in conservative conspiracy machinations is almost complete.

The cartoon depicts Sen. McCain with a chest full of medals and the scorn of the Right thus making Sen. McCain more attractive to the thoughtful Middle and unhinged Left; the enemy of my ememy is, indeed, my friend.

Those devious, dirty-trickster, conservatives! (End of letter.)


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