Thursday, November 01, 2007

Lies, Lies Lies. More Liberal Lies.

I'll not reproduce the entire editorial mess, but here is the key sentence from a Boston Globe editorial addressing the Bush Administration's deal with North Korea for the latter to dismantle its nuclear weapons program:

"But it is encouraging that Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and Defense Secretary Robert Gates continue to defend a diplomatic deal with North Korea that represents the administration's sole achievement in the realm of nuclear nonproliferation."

As a point of fact, I reproduce a short exchange from the September 30, 2004 Presidential Deabte between President George W. Bush and the Great Equivocator, Sen. John F. Kerry:

LEHRER (moderator): Just for this one-minute discussion here, just for whatever seconds it takes: So it's correct to say, that if somebody is listening to this, that both of you agree, if you're reelected, Mr. President, and if you are elected, the single most serious threat you believe, both of you believe, is nuclear proliferation?

BUSH: In the hands of a terrorist enemy.

KERRY: Weapons of mass destruction, nuclear proliferation.

Finally, we know that in December 2003, Libya declared it would abandon its nuclear weapons program and that in January 2004, under the watchful eye of the IAEA, the most dangerous components of Libya's weapons program were flown out of the country.

My letter to the Boston Globe:


Apparently the Boston Globe has forgotten that Libya abandoned its nuclear weapons program because of carrot and stick diplomacy by the Bush Administration (A deal to keep with North Korea, October 27, A14).

During the 2004 Presidential debates, Sen. John F. Kerry said that nuclear proliferation by rogue states was the single biggest security threat to the United States.

With North Korea to follow Libya, that’s two down and one to go.

Thank you, President Bush. (End of letter.)


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