Tuesday, October 23, 2007

ZACKlyRight Mentioned on Rush Limbaugh Radio Program

Please remember the 241 U.S. Marines murdered by terrorists on this date 24 years ago.

This is a rushed post as I'm just finding out that this site was mentioned on the Rush Limbaugh show today.

For those looking for a post defending the Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth, here's a re-print of my November 20, 2006 post. References to similar posts will be forthcoming.

Support ALL U.S. Veterans!

Mr. Alex Beam of the Boson Globe interviewed me last week for a story that was published in the Boston Globe today. The story was on people who write letters to the editor. I think I qualify.

As this may be my single most viewed post to-date, of all the issues I've written (Sen. Kerry, especially on 5/1/05 and 5/2/05; improving race-relations, especially on 12/14/05 and 8/6/06; the slaughter of innocent human life, especially on 11/05/05; 4/25/06 and 7/30/06; or the war, as I did so prophetically, on 8/23/05, and 4/30/06), I choose to write a post today on a topic very important to me; but just a brief post so the message is not lost.

Sen. John F. Kerry, Rep. Jack Murtha and every other disgusting politician that uses the term "swift boating" as a negative must stop doing so.

I have written this so many times in this space, I know the regular readers are tired of reading it, but the denigration of 294 brave men who have won so many decorations for valor and service to Our Country MUST stop; these men deserve better from Sen. Kerry, Rep. Murtha, and, quite honestly, the liberal media.

ALL veterans that want to be heard deserve to be heard without being so nastily ridiculed.

That Rep. Murtha used the phrase just last week to describe Democrats that subverted his effort to be elected House Majority Leader was simply vile.

Do Sen. Kerry and Rep. Murtha know, or even care, that brave woman and men still operate swift boats in the U.S. Navy? Why have national Democrats so perverted the service these sailors perform today?

For other posts on the military and veterans, please see 12/1/05; 2/12/06; 2/14/06; 2/28/06; 4/15/06 and 4/22/06. (End of November 20, 2006 post.)

I just did a quick review of all my posts and I think the list immediately above covers the meaningful ones where the Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth are defended. April 22, 2006 is a very good post. Also, a post not listed but worth reading since it's so close to two others is February 10, 2006.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the recaps. Congrats on the Limbaugh mention.

5:31 PM  

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