Thursday, October 18, 2007

Administrative Post

I've scanned my (news)paper over the last couple of days and the news websites and I don't have anything better than my last post. If you have not read all the material I referenced in that post, please treat yourself.

Also, back on August 27, 2007, I made a comment about politicians use of the phrase "blood and treasure" as it relates to the cost of the war against terrorists.

I'm a dope. I thought "treasure" meant the lives of the young women and men fighting the war. The meaning of the word in the expression is actually closer to the word's real meaning; it actually means the dollars and cents cost of the war.

However, now having clarified the meaning of the word, I'm more offended by it!

Freedom has its cost but please let's not trivialize freedom by saying there is a price tag on it.

I've written it a hundred times, I simply believe more innocent Americans would be killed globally and here in the United States if we were not engaging the enemy in Iraq at this time. I cannot prove this but nor can anyone prove fewer than 4,000 innocent Americans would have been killed since March 2003 if we were not engaged with the enemy since.


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