Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Great Equivocator is such a Coward

No set-up or background required:


As a conservative, I'm not pleased that Sen. James Webb (D, VA) was elected as the result of an "unscripted" and "botched" joke by Sen. George Allen (R, VA).

However, Massachusetts Democrats must be outraged that Sen. Webb had the courage to sponsor a bill trying to force troop reductions in Iraq while Sen. John F. Kerry continues to be the least accomplished United States Senator in the history of the Senate (Senate rejects limits on tours in Iraq, September 20, A2). Honestly, has anyone done less in 20+ years in the United States Senate than Sen. Kerry?

On January 23, 2007, Sen. Kerry announced he would not run for President saying, "It is the time to put my energy to work as part of the majority in the Senate, to do all I can to end this war and strengthen our security (Kerry won't run for President in '08, Boston Globe, January 24, 2007)

On January 26, 2007 at 9:15 am, Senator Kerry "missed" the vote to confirm General David Petraeus for his post in Iraq though Sen. Kerry did make a vote at 6:15 pm the night before. I'm sure the Senator has an unimpeachable reason for missing the Petraeus vote; he is the Great Equivocator, after all.

On August 3, 2007, Senator Kerry "missed" the vote on the Protect America Act of 2007 though he did make votes earlier in the day. Again, he's the Great Equivocator, I'm sure he would have an explanation if anyone in the liberal media, daring to get tasered, had the courage to ask him.

Love that energy, Senator!

As a conservative, I could not be more pleased that if my Senator had to be a Democrat that my Senator is the ineffective, yellow-bellied, John F. Kerry. (End of letter.)


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