Friday, September 14, 2007

President Bush: God Bless America

It must enrage the liberal extremists that President Bush always ends his addresses to the Nation with “God bless America”. How offended by the phrase they must be. President Bush is known for his fantastic sense of humor, I wonder if he does this just to aggravate the radicals.

Sen. Jack Reed (D, RI) ended his response to the President’s address last night with “Thank you”.

Rather than cut and paste the President’s address and Sen. Reed’s response, I provide the “links” below; please read both. Then, please let us know who you think proposed the best strategy to protect the United States of America and Americans.

President Bush’s address:,2933,296743,00.html

Sen. Reed’s response:,2933,296744,00.html

For those that do not read both of these statements, please know President Bush announced troop withdrawals from Iraq and Sen. Reed's new complaint is that the withdrawals are not rapid enough. Please also know President Bush conceded, several times, the lack of progress on several fronts in the war against terrorists and Sen. Reed noted no successes. Finally, know President Bush said, "As . . . transition in our mission takes place, our troops will focus on a more limited set of tasks, including counterterrorism operations and training, equipping, and supporting Iraqi forces." Sen. Reed said, "That's why our plan focuses on counter-terrorism and training the Iraqi army."

I thought I was done, but one more thing, Sen. Reed opened his address with " . . . I was privileged to serve in the United States Army for 12 years." Now, as frequent readers of this space know, I've noted Sen. Reed's service many times. I've also acknowledged his acknowledgment that the terrorists at Guantanamo are some "very bad guys". However, a quick read of his bio shows he was at West Point from 1967 - 1971, commissioned and on active duty from 1971 - 1979, and in the Army Reserves from 1979 - 1991. Now, where I'd give the Senator credit for 20 years of service in the "United States Army", he's only taking credit for 12. He's obviously not taking credit for the Reserves and I'm sure he's not doing so because he knows (though I don't) that it would not be proper. But, he is taking credit for being a cadet at West Point. Come down hard on me if you think I'm being picky of a retired Army Captain, but this seems disingenuous. It looks to me like the Senator embellished his record to Americans. I'd love to hear from someone in the military if the Senator was okay taking credit for his West Point years. Eight years active Army (Ranger, 82nd Airborne!) is extremely noble; I don't know why Sen. Reed doesn't think so.


Blogger Zack said...

Of course, by some Army Reserve conversion rate, I guess 12 years of Reserve service could equal 4 years of Army service. Any help on this technical question from a content expert would be appreciated.

10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm no militay person, but I 'm sure the Senator knows exactly the correct way to tally up his Army service. I'd leave this one alone.

9:58 AM  

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