Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Back On-Line!

After almost a month without a computer in the house, yes, I had the dreaded “Disk Boot Failure, Insert System Disk and Press Enter” message, I’m back on-line at home. And, yes, maintaining a blog from my local public library for a few weeks was annoying - to say the least.

Anyway, these were my last three letters submitted to the Boston Globe. Naturally, since I don’t hate America or President Bush or any of President Bush's aides, none of these were published.

The letter below could have appeared opposite 4 letters attacking Judge Alberto Gonzales. But, then, the Boston Globe is not interested in providing an alternative view. Imagine the Republican Presidential candidates refusing to answer a question from a Boston Globe “reporter” or to agree to an interview with anyone from the Globe's editorial page. Now consider that none of the leading Democratic Presidential candidates will appear on Fox News or attend a debate sponsored by Fox News. And these Democratic cowards are tough enough to protect Americans and the United States of America?

Under the caption, “Good, Better, Best”:


It's hard to know exactly what another man is thinking when he invokes his father, but certainly Judge Alberto Gonzales was using his father’s “best days” as an elevated point of reference to convey how fulfilling it is to serve as U.S. Attorney General.

As in, even the days (every day?!) when General Gonzales was subjected to raw, delusional, hatred, days he may have meant were his "worst days" as Attorney General, were "better" days because he was still taking child-molesters off the street and disrupting terrorist cells intent on killing Americans.

It is no surprise that the Boston Globe and hate-filled, liberal, extremists did not and do not understand this, or at the very least, consider this (Alberto Gonzales on a bad day, letters, August 28). (End of first letter.)

The letter below could have appeared opposite hate-Bush letters referencing Mr. Karl Rove.

Under the caption, “Praise Rove; Explode the Heads of Liberal Extremists”:


No doubt nearby are letters from hysterical, liberal extremists reacting to Michael Gerson's column praising Mr. Karl Rove (Karl Rove, political guru extraordinaire, August 17, A11).

No doubt all the letters contain name-calling, invective bordering on hate, empty rhetoric, and/or absolutely no facts.

And, no doubt, these were the only letters responding to the column from which to choose, other than mine, of course.

The proof of all three of my points is that my letter was also published. (End of second letter.)

Finally, the letter below could have appeared opposite two letters critical of President Bush and supportive of enemy combatants being detained (but allowed to write poetry!) in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Under the caption, “Roses are Black, Violets are Black”:


Roses are black,
Violets are black.
On September 11, 2001, 19 terrorists murdered 2,700 Americans and 300 non-Americans.
On September 11, 2001, more than 10,000 American children lost a parent (Poems from Guantanamo, August 5). (End of third letter.)

Anyway, since I'm back on-line at home, I expect to have more frequent posts than I've had over the last few weeks as well as more original, ZACKlyRight, material. The copy-and-paste articles certainly helped me through the aggravating, computerless, time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The third letter is amazing. That would have been an excellent letter to publish.

12:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure the Al Fedabans would find your poem beautiful, except for the fact that it doesn't rhyme.

8:08 AM  

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