Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Idiotic Phrase I – “jobs Americans won’t do”

Today begins what I think may be a three-part series, that may not run consecutively, of idiotic phrases that have been repeated ad nauseam for which I have no clue what the speaker/writer means when she/he utters/writes the idiotic phrase.

Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives, and smart folks and dummies have used the phrase “jobs Americans won’t do” when discussing illegal immigration.

My goodness, this is the most ridiculous phrase. What the heck does it mean? If it means what I think the user is trying to say, it is both arrogant in its implication as to Americans and insulting in its implication as to illegal immigrants.

First, from a literal perspective, there are simply NO jobs that Americans will not do. Can someone please name a single job that an America will not do? Of course, you can’t because no such job exists.

So, second, then, from a figurative perspective, no one can seriously argue that there are these magical jobs in America that do not obey the laws of supply, demand and price. And, the laws of supply, demand, and price are laws that everyone obeys, Americans, Europeans, Asians, South Americans, and illegal immigrants from all corners of the world. If the price is right, an American, who is no different than anyone else in the entire world, will do ANY job.

Third, and what of this word “American” in the phrase. Is that African-American? Asian-American? Native American Indian? Does it really mean white Americans? As in, there are no white Americans that are willing to do a job that pays minimum wage? C’mon, you are an idiot if you believe such a thing.

Fourth, the implication that illegal immigrants are somehow inferior to ALL Americans (again, whatever the phrase-user means by “Americans”) is terribly insulting to all the illegal immigrants. But assessing superiority solely on education, there are no supremely educated people in the illegal immigrant pool? There are no supremely educated people fleeing oppressive conditions in their home country who are prepared to break laws in order to hopefully provide a better life for their family? The implication that illegal immigrants are so devoid of any skills other than those necessary to perform the ugliest of jobs is obscene.

If I'm missing something here, I'd love for someone to explain it to me.

If someone knows of a phrase that has been fully integrated into the American lexicon but you're sure no one knows the meaning of the phrase, please share that with us as well. Like I mentioned above, I have at least two more that I intend to write about.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the post. Your logic is not lost on me but there are too many dim bulbs out there. Compound this with the help from the liberal media.

I am new to the site and am looking forward to more.

12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with much of your logic, but in my professed role of bringing focus to your fervor, I wanted to point out a few things:

1. The phrase is intended to capture an idea -- that many illegal immigrants fill jobs in instances in which there aren't enough Americans willing to the job at a price that employers are willing to pay. While the phrase "jobs Americans won't do" doesn't capture all of its complexity (and I know it's much more complicated than I have described it as well), and is inaccurate as stated, do you have a better phrase to capture the essence of the point without writing an economic tome?

2. Bush has been quoted as using the phrase, so it certainly is not limited to your usual culprits, the liberal media. I know you point this out in your post, but thought I'd make it express that Bush is included in the list of offenders.

3. Given your propensity for insisting on precision in language and truth, I have to object to the second sentence below:

"And, the laws of supply, demand, and price are laws that everyone obeys, Americans, Europeans, Asians, South Americans, and illegal immigrants from all corners of the world. If the price is right, an American, who is no different than anyone else in the entire world, will do ANY job."

I am an American, and there are plenty of jobs that I am unwilling to do at any price -- not the least of which is campaign manager for the Democratic frontrunner.

2:40 PM  
Blogger Zack said...


Touche because I absolutely insist on precision in language and truth. So, by my standard which you called me on, I'll concede I was literally incorrect, but . . .

To which you object, "if the price is right, an American . . . will do ANY job", uh um, the phrase was "intended to capture an idea". I get it that the folks in the top 1% of annual earnings (and maybe a little lower than that) have the ability to discriminate. (But just quickly as I allude to the top 1%, you guys pay about 37% of all federal personal income taxes paid; thank you!)

6:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.K. a few things here:
First, to Conscience, re: your #1, How about "jobs that Americans are unwilling to do at the going rate"-that's a more accurate phrase isn't it?

Next, re:your #2, although I have no idea what your salary is, I would bet you'd be willing to be the campaign manager for the Dem. frontrunner if you were paid, oh say, $1,000,000 for the honor. Everybody has their price, even you.

Finally, to Zacklyright- some phrases that really annoy me,that I hear oft-repeated but doubt anyone can really adequately explain are : "It takes a village" and "Blood for oil". Probably not the two you were thinking of, but these 2 make my short list.

7:30 PM  
Blogger Zack said...


I covered "blood for oil" back on May 15, 2007. At least one of the comments there explains it for all of us.

And, thank you for your contribution. If you're new to this site, start reading from May 15 forward and you'll read some great material.

6:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Regardless of my current actual income level, as long as I had an alternative opportunity to make enough to put food on the table and provide shelter for my family, there certainly are jobs that I would refuse to do at ANY price. Yes, my quip about campaign manager was largely in jest, but to name just a few:

1. Religious leader (rabbi, imam, whatever) for a religion other than my own (I wouldn't do this under any circumstances).
2. Stripper/Chippendale dancer (not that anyone's clamoring at the doors asking me to do it).
3. R&D engineer for a tobacco company.
4. Pornographic movie director/website administrator.

I literally would not do any of these for $100 million. There are many things in life far more important than money.

I am extremely blessed in many ways, including that I can comfortably provide for my family. Given that, there are almost innumerable jobs that I would add to the list that, given my current circumstances, I would not do at ANY price. I would, in fact, include campaign manager for Hillary in that category. I would add others, such as criminal defense lawyer -- although I think they are necessary and provide a highly valuable service to our country and society, I could never look myself in the mirror if I got a murderer or rapist off, and he/she went on to do it again.

11:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, that last post was from me.

11:19 AM  

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