Friday, August 03, 2007

Emptying the Folder

I maintain a “Blog Ideas” manila folder. I see something in a (news)paper (the Boston Globe) or a newspaper (The Wall Street Journal) and I rip out the article and throw it in the folder for future reference. Well, the folder is bursting and I’m never going to be able to write a full piece on many of the items but I want to comment on each of them so I do all of that today, but briefly.

How long until Chairman of the Senate Transportation Committee, hate-Bush member, Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii), subpoenas President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Alberto Gonzales and Karl Rove to learn about their involvement in destroying the I-35 Bridge in Minnesota and their subsequent efforts to cover-up their involvement?

A while back I predicted Gov. Mitt Romney would be the next President of the United States. Well, after trailing badly in New Hampshire, Gov. Romney is now leading the pack in the state that will hold the first primary. Yes, I know that Mr. Romney still polls fourth in all national polls but since we do not have a national selection process that idiotic poll means nothing to me (and it should mean nothing to any of you). My point is, the Presidential chase will be over for the Republican candidate that finishes fourth in New Hampshire; won’t he not have met national expectations?

I see Sen. Barack Obama is running around the country this week saying “we are not safer than we were” prior to September 11. A news story I read yesterday said this put Sen. Obama at odds with all of the other Democratic Party Presidential candidates. On June 4, 2007, I wrote about Sen. Hillary Clinton’s quote from the debate the night before (“we are safer than we were”). I wrote it was ignored. Little did I know all the other candidates except Sen. Obama thought the same thing! They all think we’re safer and no one is congratulating the President of the United States? The liberal media isn’t reporting to Americans that these candidates think we are safer? Anyway, liberal bias in the media aside, I also wrote that an opponent of hers would resuscitate the quote if the opponent saw political advantage. Sen. Obama just might be reading ZACKlyRight.

As regular readers of this space know, the 2006 elections were not a referendum on the war against terrorists. This from my Boston Sunday Globe of July 29, 2007, “Despite claims to the contrary, it should be remembered that Democrats' victories in the 2006 midterms, while a repudiation of Bush's policies, hardly represented an unequivocal call for a quick pullout from Iraq.” The author is a professor of history at Rutgers University (yes, a liberal institution, aren’t all colleges and universities?). He authored at least two books, "Nixon's Shadow: The History of an Image" and "Calvin Coolidge." Anyway, and so it begins.

Well, the NAACP played the race card in the Michael Vick case earlier this week. Wow, I really didn’t see that coming! Again, I’ve written it so many times my fingers hardly need any guidance from my brain, “presumption of innocence” does not exist in the court of public opinion. The concept applies only and solely to the courtroom and most specifically, the jury box. I can think whatever I want about anyone I want based on as little or as much information as I choose . . . and so can every other American.

It was good to see PETA so aggressively demonstrating against Mr. Vick. A liberally extreme group attacking a black man, a member of a community that votes fairly monolithically for Democrats; it does not get any better for us moderates. But, over a few drinks, I’m sure the two Democratic Party constituencies will work out there differences because they cannot do anything to jeopardize a woman’s right for abortion on demand. Fighting for the rights of blacks to kill their babies at three times the rate as whites kill theirs is the great healer of all differences in the Democratic Party.

On July 30, my (news)paper reported, “Last week, four Democrats on Leahy's committee asked Paul Clement, solicitor general, for a special investigation of Gonzales. The request came after FBI Director Robert S. Mueller appeared to contradict Gonzales's statements to Congress about internal administration dissent over the president's secretive wiretapping program, the Democrats said.” Sure, accept the white man is telling the truth and accept the Latino is lying. Is anyone concerned that Director Mueller is not being investigated?

I missed the NAACP’s statement defending U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and his presumed innocence and attacking the Country’s rush to judgment.

Democrats oppose the sale of U.S. weapons to Saudi Arabia. Recalling their knee-jerk opposition to the sale of port operations of six U.S. ports to Dubai Ports World, I wonder what problem Democrats have with Muslims? The intolerance is grotesque.

The $90,000 in cash that was found in the freezer of Democratic Congressman William Jefferson (LA) was packed thusly: $20,000 wrapped in foil and rubber bands inside a box from a company that makes soybean burgers; $20,000 stashed inside a Pillsbury pie crust box; three stacks of $10,000 were hidden in a bag from a local market; and two other $10,000 bricks were just wrapped in foil. Sen. Ted Stevens (R, AK) offered the key of his home to the FBI prior to the FBI’s search of same; the FBI declined the key telling Sen. Stevens that they had the necessary means to gain entry.

A speedy recovery and extended wishes for good health to ZACKlyRight fan and Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court John G. Roberts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've finally said something that I think all of us, even perhaps your buddy the Great Equivocator, can agree on: "I can think whatever I want about anyone I want based on as little or as much information as I choose . . ." Anyone who reads your blog certainly knows that that is a true statement!

10:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just kidding. Thought I'd try a shot at a bit of levity as we head into the weekend.

10:16 AM  
Blogger Zack said...


My post was the levity heading into the weekend.

You don't think it's funny that Senate Democrats want to issue contempt citations en mass at the White House?

You don't think it's funny that Sen. Obama is reading my site?

That CJoftSCOTUS is reading my site?

You don't think it's funny that the PETA crowd and blacks and white liberals can coalesce around a practice that kills black babies at three times the rate as white babies? C'mon? This is hysterical? What do I have to write to get anyone in the black community fired up about the slaughter in their community?

You don't think it's funny that the NAACP is denying its playing the race card in the Vick case but that it did not issue a statement in the Gonzales case?

Man, you have no sense of humor.

To all, have a good weekend.

3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

move this to the top of your folder: Headline from Monday (8/6) Globe "Power to Wiretap Expanded" [by the DEMOCRATICALLY CONTROLLED Congress]...that part in brackets, of course, was conspicuously by its absence. Anyone want to wager how Sens Obama and Clinton voted, and what comment Speaker Pelosi may offer!!! :)

9:19 AM  

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