Wednesday, August 15, 2007

NYC Police and Firefighters for Truth
(Giuliani is "fire-fighted")

If Mayor Rudy Giuliani is the Republican nominee for President of the United States in 2008, there will be a group, the NYC Police and Firefighters for Truth (or similar), that will publicly speak out against the Mayor’s “fitness” for President based on his actions on 9/11, his immediate response to 9/11 and his conduct since the day 19 terrorists murdered 2,700 Americans and 300 non-Americans. My (news)paper reported on August 11 that some NYC police and fire officials have already started to speak out against Mayor Giuliani; I’m predicting well-funded, liberal, political operatives will help organize these officials and some of the like-minded, rank and file if the Mayor wins the nomination.

And, very predictably, the liberal media will play the “if it was OK for the Swift Boat Vets, it should be OK for these first-responders” martyr card.

Well, there will be at least two problems with these predicted events:

The first problem is that the liberal media never thought it was OK for 295 Vietnam veterans who carried a rifle in a swamp halfway around the world and earned enough medals to armor-plate a Humvee (that my Senators, Sen. John F. Kerry and Sen. Edward Kennedy voted against armor-plating) to speak out during the 2004 Presidential election. The Swiftees were, and continue to be, vilified by the liberal media and liberal extremists at every opportunity. Heck, they only wore the uniform. What would give them the right to speak out on the subject of Commander-in-Chief?

The second problem, and this is where the liberal media and liberal extremists are expert at playing the victim and martyr, is that no one will vilify the yet to be born NYC Police and Firefighters for Truth. The liberal media and liberal extremists will claim this group is being smeared but there will be no such evidence; recall, the liberal media and liberal extremists claimed the Bush Administration was trying to silence retired Generals and Admirals from speaking out against defeating the terrorists in Iraq when, in fact, all the statements from the White House defended the Generals and Admirals’ right to express their opinions.

The Vietnam vets should never have been smeared and we should definitely hear the opinions, favorable and unfavorable, of NYC First-Responders if they have one about Mayor Giuliani.

To quickly summerize some previously-made predictions:

Sen. Hillary Clinton will still have to answer to the huge Muslim population in Michigan for her knee-jerk, bigoted, opposition to Dubai Ports World buying port operation rights to six U.S. ports.

Sen. Hillary Clinton will still have to answer to another Democratic candidate about her June 3, 2007 comment that "we are safer than we were" on September 11.

Gov. Mitt Romney will be the next President of the United States.

Gov. Tom Ridge will be the next Vice President of the United States.

And, just newly added, if Mayor Giuliani is the Republican nominee, we'll see the birth of NYC Police and Firefighters for Truth.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those of you about to fly to Vegas or London to lay huge dough on a Romney presidential victory (can you place a bet on that, it seems you can bet on just about anything else), you may want to consider that ZR predicted in the last election that the Republicans would retain control of both houses.

I hope that it's just that he was wrong before, and not that he's a jinx. If it's the former, then there's still hope that another GOP candidate can win; if it's the latter, and we're stuck with Clinton, Obama or Edwards, I don't even want to think about it. Sure, it might be crazy to believe in jinxes, but no Philly team has won a championship since I started dating my wife 24 years ago. Coincidence? Or is she a jinx?

10:23 AM  
Blogger Zack said...


You have to admire the courage of someone that could have not drawn attention to predictions previously made. If I'm ZACKlyRight on any of them, I could have gone back to the original prediction and touted my brilliance. If I'm fooled, like I was by the suspected racists that returned Sen. Robert Byrd to the Senate or the liberal media playing up Sen. Allen's unscripted remarks and ignoring Sen. John F. Kerry's unscripted remarks or 4,000 people in Montana, and I'm wrong on any of these predictions, then I could have simply let them go unrecalled. Nope, I'm a stand-up guy.

So, who do you think will be the next POTUS and VPOTUS? It's August 15, 2007, take a shot. The day I think it will no longer be Romney, I'll let everyone know.

Will Democrats use unassailable police and firefighters to attack Giuliani?

Will Democrats and a liberal media ever apologize for attacking and smearing 295 Vietnam veterans?

Finally, nothing on how clever I was with "fire-fighted"? Let's turn "fire-fighted" into an ugly phrase and see what the over-the-top, martyred, backlash from the liberal establishment is.

12:56 PM  
Blogger Zack said...

Please strike the word "courage" in the previous comment; replace it with bravado or confidence or anything along those lines. In a comment about policemen, firemen and war veterans "courage" was clearly the wrong word.

1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, who do you think will be the next POTUS and VPOTUS?
POTUS -- Hillary (pains me badly)
VPOTUS -- moderate Southern male

Will Democrats use unassailable police and firefighters to attack Giuliani?
Very likely

Will Democrats and a liberal media ever apologize for attacking and smearing 295 Vietnam veterans?
Not a chance

Finally, nothing on how clever I was with "fire-fighted"?
Frankly, I don't get it.

4:01 PM  
Blogger Zack said...


"swift-boated" ----> "fire-fighted"

Fire-fight - (v) to gratuitously smear

Republicans are praying HRC wins the nomination. There are so many ugly things she's done I've forgotten them all; her Republican opponent will make sure we remember them all.

4:43 PM  

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