Wednesday, September 12, 2007

On-going, Ever-widening Democratic Party Fund-Raiser Scandal

(Please read the column by Sens. McCain and Lieberman reproduced in its entirety in yesterday's post.)

Before I get to the ongoing, ever-widening Democratic Party fund-raiser scandal, I share a letter I wrote to the Boston Globe in response to their September 11 editorial. The Boston Globe and other liberal extremists cannot shake their obsession that President Bush loves to spy on law-abiding Americans. Rather than divisive rhetoric, can a liberal extremist complete the picture? The President orders subordinates to record the conversations of who discussing what exactly? And then they all sit in the Oval Office and listen to the recordings? You have to be an idiot to believe this or so consumed by hate that logic and common sense have long left (no pun intended) you.

This President has sought and has been given by Congress expanded Presidential powers. All of it to protect the United States of America and Americans. There has never been one charge by the liberal extremists that President Bush has ever benefited personally from all of the "horrible", "monstrous" things he's done . . . to protect us. He didn't receive oral sex in the Oval Office from a 20 year old intern. He didn't shakedown campaign donors (no, this is not a reference to the current on-going and ever-widening Democratic Party fund-raiser scandal). He didn't sell the Lincoln Bedroom for personal gain (nope, still not referring to the current on-going and ever-widening Democratic Party fund-raiser scandal). He didn't have friends fix a commodities trade for personal gain. Rather, President Bush fought to expand Presidential powers. Ooh, the scoundrel! It cannot be denied that the current FISA program has saved American lives. Rather than celebrate this, the liberal extremists cry crocodile tears for the civil liberties of terrorists. Mind you, these are the same liberal extremists who do not marvel that two jet airliners did not knock down either of the Twin Towers on impact but are convinced the Bush Administration planted accelerants in the buildings because the buildings did eventually fall. The buildings were hit by a gazillion ton airplane at 150 mph and loaded with jet fuel! It's a tribute to American ingenuity and quality that the buildings stood for as long as they did so that so many people were able to escape.

The letter:


The Boston Globe has it bass ackwards.

From “Toughness after Sept 11 (editorial, September 11)” the Boston Globe appears to argue that President Bush’s desire to read “I hate George Bush” email exchanges between radical liberals required expanded presidential powers and the September 11 attacks provided the needed pretext for expanded presidential powers.

Of course, those of us living in the real world know that six years ago 19 terrorists killed 2,700 Americans, then Congress expanded presidential powers to help combat terrorists and, finally, maybe there has been an erosion of terrorists’ civil liberties (now there’s an oxymoron!).

And, I’m sure the civil liberties of terrorists have not been “over-eroded” since a filibuster-proof majority in the United States Senate supported the most recent expansion of presidential powers, The Protect America Act of 2007 (the Act). The Act was supported by 15 Democrats, most notably liberal extremist Dianne Feinstein (CA) and infamous Presidential Insulter, James Webb (VA). (End of first letter.)

Now, with regard to the on-going and ever-widening Democratic Party fund-raiser scandal, I give you just the letter, there is no need for any background or set-up:


Reacting to the on-going and ever-widening Democratic Party fund-raiser scandal, Hillary Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson said, “An estimated 260 donors this week will receive funds totaling approximately $850,000 from the campaign (FBI reportedly examining fund-raiser’s investment venture, September 11, A6).”

Of course, the returned funds will be a surprise to 260 “donors” who didn’t know they supported the Clinton campaign in the first place. (End of second letter.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just beautiful. Always a joy to read your comments.

8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no comments for a while but I do check your site ever few days. echoing anonymous, always entertaining.

11:01 AM  

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