Friday, October 05, 2007

Yellow-Belly Cowards: Biden, Clinton, Dodd, Obama

On October 1, 2007, at 5:59 pm, the United States Senate voted on a bill to fund the U.S. troops fighting the wars against terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan (, votes, vote no. 359) . The funding was $150 billion.

The vote was 92 “yeas” to just 3 “nays”; the “mandate” from the 2006 November elections be damned, I guess. My two Senators, Kennedy and Kerry, voted "yea" to fund the war. Hmmmm.

There were 5 U.S. Senators not voting. They were Sens. Biden, Clinton, Dodd, McCain and Obama. Obviously, Sen. McCain’s excuse that he was “campaigning” for President and “had” to be in Iowa is believable.

The same excuse by the four, yellow-belly, Democrats is not believable.

If there was a “mandate” to end this war, then what better “propaganda” for a Democrat than a vote against funding it? My goodness, fly from Iowa, sprint through Ronald Reagan National Airport, police escort it to the U.S. Senate chamber and cast a courageous vote. Film at 11!

Nope, not these four yellow-bellies.

Back on May 26, 2007, in response to a question on what I would do if I thought the war in Iraq was a mistake (which I don’t), I wrote, “ . . . if I were a delusional, in-denial, Congressperson that believed the war IS a mistake, because I wasn’t reading National Intelligence Estimates, I’d do everything and anything to get our troops out of Iraq. I’d submit amendment after amendment to every single bill that came up to vote but, in time, I’d alienate myself in my own Party. I’d make a spectacle of myself at the gates of the White House . . . further alienating myself within my own Party. I’d make speeches from the steps of the Capitol but eventually the press would stop attending . . . would they even show up for the first speech? Wouldn't they cover Sens. Clinton and Obama instead? I’d write fiery op-ed pieces to any major newspaper that would publish them. One would get published and the rest would die in the email in-box, no? If I were a Senator, I’d put a “hold” on ANYTHING I could that came out of the White House; my own Party would reconsider the deference given to Senatorial Holds. My goodness, innocent members of the U.S. Armed Forces are being slaughtered for no reason, WHAT WOULDN’T I DO? Yet, nobody in Congress is doing anything close to “what wouldn’t I do”. Isn't that telling?”

Well, out-spoken critics of the war against terrorists, four United States Senators running for the Presidency of the United States of America chose to hide. Four, yellow-belly, cowards hid.

Leaders lead.

I cannot say it more plainly.

Leaders lead.


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