Sunday, October 14, 2007

Rape: Now the Boston Globe thinks it's a Crime

Folks, never have I asked you to read so much as I'm going to ask you to read with this post; do yourself the favor and read all the suggested material, it will perfectly define who I am and the motivation for writing this Blog. But, if you can only read this post, make sure you get to end, the second letter ties it all together. All of this material graphically demonstrates the hypocrisy, selective sensationalism, and political opportunism of liberal extremists on the most sensitive of issues.

Today, the Boston Sunday Globe published a ridiculous story by liberal extremist, Ms. Susan Milligan, claiming the story of a convicted rapist who was paroled while Mike Huckabee was governor of Arkansas and who murdered a woman subsequent to being paroled, may hurt Gov. Huckabee's chances to win the Republican presidential nomination. The link to complete story is (yes, it runs into the margin, but click it and it will take you there):

For background, please read my posts of October 8, 16, 19 and 25, 2006. All of the posts deal with the Boston Globe's indifference to the crime of rape; they're concurrent so if you click on "October 2006" in the archives they'll all be together. All four posts deal with the Boston Globe and the liberal media dismissing gubernatorial candidate Deval Patrick's extraordinary attempts to gain parole for a brutal rapist, Mr. Benjamin LaGuer.

Additionally, please read my post of July 23, 2007; this post deals with the home invasion by furloughed, convicted murderer, Mr. William Horton where he brutalized, terrorized, and twice raped Ms. Angela Miller. Oh, during the home invasion, Mr. Horton also bound and beat Ms. Miller's finance, Mr. Cliff Barnes, and stabbed him 22! times!

Finally, please read my post of June 14, 2007 titled, "Crime and Punishment". In this post I highlight numerous instances where a lesser crime, because liberal extremists are expert in squeezing fantastic umbrage from the mildest offense, is made to be more severe than a greater crime.

My two letters to the Boston Globe:


The Boston Globe's new-found "concern" for a rape victim and the brutal crime of rape is a little late for Ms. Kerry Healy and the rest of us who thought Gov. Deval Patrick's extraordinary efforts to gain parole for rapist Mr. Benjamin LaGuer should have been a 2006 campaign issue (Huckabee could face hurdles from the past, Boston Sunday Globe, October 14, A1). (End of first letter.)


I appreciate that the Boston Globe's attempt to smear another Republican Presidential candidate, Gov. Mike Huckabee, but the comparison of furloughed, convicted murderer Mr. William Horton to paroled, convicted rapist Mr. Wayne Dumond is no comparison at all (Huckabee could face hurdles from the past, Boston Sunday Globe, October 14, A1).

Ms. Susan Milligan writes that, "Bloggers have already dubbed the matter "Huckabee's Willie Horton," referring to the case of a Massachusetts man who was paroled during Michael Dukakis's tenure as Massachusetts governor, and then raped a Maryland woman and terrorized her fiancé. The episode tainted the onetime Democratic presidential nominee's campaign even though Dukakis had not personally intervened on Horton's behalf." Ms. Milligan's description is a journalistic embarrassment for its gross distortion of fact and glaring omissions.

Ms. Milligan failed to mention that Mr. Horton is a convicted murderer. Prior to raping and terrorizing, Mr. Horton stabbed a 19 year-old convenience store clerk more than 15 times and then dumped the clerk's not-quite-lifeless body in a dumpster where he died in filth. Mr. Horton was furloughed, not paroled. In other words, Mr. Horton was simply allowed to walk out of jail . . . unsupervised. Mr. Horton traveled to Maryland where during a savage home invasion he terrorized Mr. Cliff Barnes and Ms. Angela Miller, beating them both, stabbing Mr. Barnes repeatedly and raping Ms. Miller twice.

In addition to Ms. Milligan's journalistic malpractice, it's important to note Mr. Dumond was a convicted rapist; rape is a violent and heinous crime but it is not cold-blooded murder. Mr. Dumond was paroled after serving 11 years for his crime. The vote by the Arkansas parole board was 4 - 1. Two of the votes supporting parole were from Democrats originally appointed by Gov. William Jefferson Clinton and re-appointed by Gov. Huckabee. Shortly after being paroled, Mr. Dumond committed murder, was arrested, and convicted. He died in prison.

Next, Mr. Horton is serving a life sentence in a Maryland prison. The liberal state of Maryland's refusal to send him back to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts speaks volumes.

Finally, prior to Mr. Dumond being paroled, Gov. Huckabee met with Mr. Dumond's rape victim, who has since promised to be more vocal against Mr. Huckabee should his quest for the Republican presidential nomination continue. Gov. Dukakis and his Lt. Gov. at the time, Sen. John F. Kerry, refused to ever meet with Mr. Barnes or Ms. Miller. (End of second letter.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liked the first letter the best. If only the Globe has the sense of fair-play to publish it,though not likely. Milligan's a joke.

7:11 AM  
Blogger Zack said...


The first letter was intended to deliver a cold hard jolt in as short a letter as possible. It assumes the readers know much about the references I made.

The second letter was designed to inform. Again, it's loaded with facts as reported in local newspapers; some of my sources for the Dumond information were local Arkansas newspapers. People in the greaer Boston area know that Ms. Healy was pilloried in the media because she dared to question Gov. Patrick's hard work in trying to free a rapist. Now, the Boston Globe does a hatchet job on Gov. Huckabee because he was governor when the parole board released Dumond?

7:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need to amend my previous post- Milligan's a joke, but the Boston Globe is the punchline.

8:50 AM  

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