Friday, May 11, 2007

Sharpton and Romney

Of course, Mr. Al Sharpton will not pay any price for saying the following about Gov. Mitt Romney, "As for the one Mormon running for office, those who really believe in God will defeat him anyways, so don't worry about that; that's a temporary situation."

Well, now we can add "religious bigot" to the list of unflattering phrases that describe Mr. Sharpton. Why mention Mormonism at all if the comment was supposed to be about atheism?

Anyway, the guilt-ridden, white, liberal media is doing Mr. Sharpton's apologizing for him. He was simply taken out of context they tell us. Guilt-ridden, white, liberals will tell you the same thing.

In the aftermath of Mr. Sharpton's ugly comment, he's calling for a "dialogue". That's code for "let me lecture you on what is offensive to the black community and what is not offensive to the white community while you whites (and Mormons) shut the hell up". This "dialogue" sounds perfectly reasonable to the guilt-ridden, liberal, white, media.

If you don't shut up? Yup, you're a white racist.

If you express injury for an attack on your Christian religion? Let's see, hmmm, what did Sen. Edward's paid campaign workers call them, oh, yeah, "lousy motherf---ers". Oh, Gov. Romney is just "overly-sensitive" and "opportunistic" the guilt-ridden, liberal, white, media tells us.

Religious intolerance is alive and well in the United States of America.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the sarcasm. In the last post to.

8:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my what a post, thanks for writing it. I am going to post it on my blog. I give an analysis of this whole mess (with discussion of Governor Romney's upcoming appearnce on 60 Minutes) at feel free to check it out for additional commentary.

Thanks again!

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christians and white males take it on the chin all the time. I saw three commercials in a row yesterday where the white male was depicted as the doofus college student,the doofus Dad, and the doofus office worker contrasted against a normal, intelligent black who was portrayed as light years' superior, rolling his/her eyes regarding said doofus. Enough already!!
I agree,Mitt Romney was wronged and he is owed an apology. Christians and whites better wake up in this country and start noticing when they are discriminated against. The pendulum is swinging the other way now, my friends. Nappy-haired hos aren't the only ones who have the right to be offended.

2:50 PM  

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