Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Hos, Christofacists, and lousy motherf---ers

The letter to the Boston Globe:


Your editorial, The Cheap Shot (April 11), condemning the ugly, harmful and ignorant words of Mr. J. Don Imus was outstanding.

I “googled” and “googled” but I could find no such condemnation of Sen. John Edwards (think CBS and GE) for defending two paid campaign workers (think Imus) who referred to conservative Christians as “wingnut Christofacists” and “lousy motherf - - - ers”.

No doubt in an article in your paper today is this quote from Sen. Barack Obama, "I understand MSNBC has suspended Mr. Imus but I would also say that there's nobody on my staff who would still be working for me if they made a comment like that about anybody of any ethnic group. And I would hope that NBC ends up having that same attitude."

We will never advance the conversation on racial and religious tolerance when equally offensive words are treated so differently by the liberal media and are allowed to be treated so differently by a top-tier Presidential candidate who should now be looked on as nothing more than an opportunist.

Selective outrage is no outrage at all. Selective outrage harms everyone. It, almost by definition, affirms some hate and it cheapens the outrage when outrage is warranted. (End of letter.)

Sen. Edward's wife, Elizabeth Edwards, has cancer. The news web sites that I visited today reported that "Sen. Fred Thompson says he has cancer". What's up with that? Is he lying? He's not liberal activist Sharon Stone, is he?

I hope Hispanic-Americans, as well as all other Americans offended by racism, bigotry or intolerance (this could mean you if you were offended by Imus' comments), pay close attention to the grief the liberal extremists in the United States Senate are going to give U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez on April 17. No, I'm sure none of the aggressive questioning will be perceived by the liberal media as "white elitists" putting it to the "Latino". The white elitists will be Democrats and the Latino works for a conservative so it's all good.

For those that missed it, all previously filed charges were dropped in the Drunk Stripper Lies about Rape Case. No word yet on new charges being filed against the stripper. We know the names of the real victims in this case yet the name of the only person that may now be prosecuted for a crime is still not being shared by the liberal media. Odd.


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