Thursday, May 03, 2007

Bush "loyalist"? That's absurd!

This went to the Globe earlier this week:


Mr. Rick Klein was simply wrong with everything he insinuated when he wrote, "George J. Tenet, Bush's former CIA director, is the latest Bush loyalist to turn on the President, claiming in a book to be published Monday that Bush and Vice President Cheney rushed to war in Iraq without having 'serious debate' over whether the country posed immediate threat to the United States (Support low, Bush isolated by GOP, April 28, A2)."

First, DCI Tenet was originally nominated for the top spy job by President William Jefferson Clinton. Mr. Tenet was formerly the Deputy Director so presumably not a man who would require any on the job training. Mr. Tenet was approved by the Senate Intelligence Committee, of which Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA) was a member, by a 19 - 0 vote. Sen. Kerry added this endorsement, "The CIA is long overdue in having someone to run it. I think he'll do a terrific job." DCI Tenet was confirmed by voice vote in the United States Senate on July 10, 1997 in a vote that was recorded as "unanimous".

Second, these are the words President Clinton spoke in his address to the Nation on December 16, 1998, fully 17 months after DCI Tenet assumed the top intelligence job in the United States (italics mine for emphasis): " . . . Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons . . . I have no doubt today, that left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will use these terrible weapons again . . . that is why, on the unanimous recommendation of my national security team . . . I have ordered . . . strikes against Iraq. They are designed to degrade Saddam's capacity to develop and deliver weapons of mass destruction . . . we must be prepared to use force again if Saddam takes threatening actions, such as trying to reconstitute his weapons of mass destruction or their delivery systems . . . the credible threat to use force, and when necessary, the actual use of force, is the surest way to contain Saddam's weapons of mass destruction program . . . the best way to end that threat once and for all is with a new Iraqi government, a government ready to live in peace with its neighbors, a government that respects the rights of its people. Bringing change in Baghdad will take time and effort . . . the decision to use force is never cost-free . . . there will be unintended Iraqi casualties . . . if Saddam defies the world and we fail to respond, we will face a far greater threat in the future. Saddam will strike again at his neighbors . . . And mark my words, he will develop weapons of mass destruction. He will deploy them, and he will use them . . . ."

To suggest DCI Tenet is a Bush "loyalist" is absurd.

I'll let President Clinton's words, words that surely DCI Tenet approved, answer the charge of whether Iraq posed a threat to the United States.

After President Clinton's 1998 cruise-missile-diplomacy, Saddam Hussein was "left unchecked" until March 2003. (End of letter.)

I'd consider Bush loyalists to be Dr. Condoleezza Rice, U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, Undersecretary of State Karen P. Hughes, former White House Counsel Harriet Miers, and Counselor to the President Dan Bartlett. You would think a skin-color and gender obsessed liberal media would notice as much with this group, a group that has served the President ranging from 12 - 14 years going back to his years as Governor of Texas.

Seven Democrats voted to sustain the President's veto of the Democrat's plan to surrender in Iraq; only two Republicans voted to override. Didn't the seven Democrats hear the voters from the November elections? Oh, as I've been writing since the morning after the November elections, they were not a referendum on the war.


Blogger Seven Star Hand said...

Hello Zack and all,

Remember that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. Consequently, if we fail to force these scoundrels to face the Truth and Justice necessary to end such evil, similar scenarios are guaranteed to occur again and again in the future.

The pivotal import of Yellow Cake, False Flags, & "Big Time" Evil

The combination of George Tenet's book, At the Center of the Storm, Eisner & Royce's The Italian Letter and the books and research of many others in recent years now provides enough of a foundation for everyone to finally discern that 9:11 was a "false flag" operation against both the American public and the Muslim world. Likewise, the uncanny synchronicity of Al Qaeda's videos and other activities perfectly timed to reinforce and support the Bush/Cheney administration's political needs coupled with the actions of the Bush admin actually serving to strengthen Al Qaeda's position, now makes perfect sense. The apparent mistakes and chaos that have characterized the Iraq war, the easily prevented resurgence of the Taliban, and permitting Bin Laden to escape Tora Bora to a safe haven in Pakistan all fit the same pattern. It's hard to maintain a state of continuous war if you allow your made-to-order enemies to be defeated too early. It is likewise hard to remain a "war president" if your wars end too soon!

The letterhead used to forge the "Yellowcake letter" that was then used to help "sell" the Iraq war was stolen in Rome on 1/1/2001, more than nine months before 9:11 and before Little W. became president. Consequently, the use of the "Yellow-Cake Lie" was obviously discussed and planned before then! The import of this fact is that the Niger embassy in Rome was burglarized, before Bush became president, to lay the groundwork for the web of deception used to sell the Iraq War, after 9:11. More importantly, it is highly unlikely that the Iraq war could ever have been sold to the American public, without something like 9:11 happening first. Any excuses of other uses for the stolen letterhead are laughable since the letterhead burglary would have been pointless, without 9:11. This evidences foreknowledge of those attacks, a full nine months before they occurred, among other things!


10:30 PM  

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