Sunday, April 15, 2007

Billy said "pee-pee" in school today, Mommy

Both conservative and liberal commentators have acted, and are acting, like 8 year-old school children in covering the Imus story. Did, and does, everyone really need to say or write the offending comments? Are commentators so ill-equipped to make their point without being able to say or write the comments?

Gov. Mitt Romney is a Mormon. That is, he belongs to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Now that we've started a "national conversation" on racism, misogyny and religious intolerance, it will be interesting to see if people, especially liberal extremists (specifically after Gov. Romney wins the Presidential nomination of the Republican Party), are tolerant of Gov. Romney's religion. My bet is they won't. It is a long way off but I suspect the liberal media will adopt code words to scare people about the Governor. I write about this now because not only am I ZACKlyRight, I also enjoy being first. Mark this post; we will re-visit it many times in the next 18 months or so.

(Brief aside: Because I'm predicting Gov. Romney to be the Republican nominee and to be our next President does not make him "my guy". My guys, Govs. Tom Ridge (PA) and Jeb Bush (FL), do not appear to be interested in being the next President of the United States of America.)

And, re: being first, please see the following two recent posts, Sen. John Edwards and Edwards Sponsored Hate-Speech, March 10, 2007 and Selma, Alabama, Sen. Robert C. Byrd, and Senate Democrats, March 8, 2007. You can even see the first letter from the March 14, 2007 post if you need to refresh your intelligence about the almost inate, hate of the Extreme Left. (Blogger's Note: I now display my last 20 posts on the front page so you can view all three of these posts by just scrolling down.)

Finally, I re-print my post from March, 26 2006 because it is so related to the Imus episode:

When is a racial slur a racial slur?

Last week, talk show host Dave Lenihan of KTRS (St. Louis) was fired shortly after making the following on-air-comments about Dr. Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State for the United States of America, and the prospects of her becoming the next Commissioner of the National Football League: "She's been chancellor of Stanford. She's got the patent resume of somebody that has serious skill. She loves football. She's African-American, which would kind of be a big coon (he meant "coup"). Oh my God. I am totally, totally, totally, totally, totally sorry for that. I didn't mean that. It was just a slip of the tongue. She's definitely got all the attributes to be commissioner. I'm really sorry about that."

Soon after the comments, the phone lines lit up and soon after that, the station announced Mr. Lenihan was fired.There are reports that the local NAACP chapter president called the station and after learning of the firing, commended the station for its swift action.

Contrast the above with the following March, 2001 comments of one of my favorite whipping boys, the Dean of Democrats, the "conscience of the Senate", the only Senator to vote against the U.S. Supreme Court nominations of Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas, a man that filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for over 14 hours, ex-Ku Klux Klan member, Sen. Robert Byrd: "There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. I'm going to use that word. We just need to work together to make our country a better country, and I'd just as soon quit talking about it so much."

The apology, if you can call it that, came in the form of a press statement and not at a microphone: "I apologize for the characterization I used on this program. The phrase dates back to my boyhood and has no place in today's society. As for my language, I had no intention of casting aspersions on anyone of another race. In my attempt to articulate strongly held feelings, I may have offended people."

Of course, I think Mr. Lenihan's slip-of-the-tongue is offensive, but I also recognize he apologized immediately. Also, if you read the whole text of his comments, he was praising Dr. Rice before and after the comment. He was championing her for the NFL post.

And, naturally, I think ex-Klansman Byrd's comments are more offensive. Yet, practically no one in the liberal media gave a second look to his comments.

Ironically, ex-Klanman Byrd opposed Dr. Rice as Secretary of State. The vote in the Senate in January, 2005 was 85 - 13. Sen. Byrd was a very loud "no". Hmmm.

Racial slurs and a voting and legislative history that suggests a racist. The "Dean of Democrats"; the Democrats must be so proud.

Just as a footnote, my U.S. Senators, Edward Kennedy and the Great Equivocator, John F. Kerry, also voted against the first African-American woman to be U.S. Secretary of State. The agenda-pushers and race-baiters are still in control. Those wanting an honest race-relations conversation are not. Apparently, a racial slur is most definitely not a racial slur when a "prominent" Democrat says it; I refuse to accept that as the standard. I wish the president of the local chapter of the NAACP in St. Louis felt the same way; I wish any Democrat in the Senate felt the same: I wish that any liberal media outlet felt the same; what a shame none does. (End of March 26, 2006 post.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the same thing about everyone that continues to say the phrase and write the phrase.

I think it is going to be Rudy and Hillary.

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I predict Imus will get a show of his own on Sirius and he'll be able to say whatever he wants. In fact, he could even call it the "NHH Show" if he chooses.
(I didn't dare repeat the phrase)

Sarcasm aside,he's not a racist and his charitble work for the underprivileged is tremendous and unparalelled by an other person in his field that I know of.

Finally,when is Jesse Jackson going to publicly (or privately) apologize to the Duke lacrosse players who are no doubt much more "scarred for life" than the Rutgers basketball players?

4:32 AM  
Blogger Zack said...


Hillary? Yes. Rudy? No, but a very accomplished and a great sense of humor with an extremely thick skin. Rudy cannot win the Republican nomination though he'd win the General in a landslide.

Re: Imus: I've listened to him for more than 12 years. He's no racist. He just isn't. Also, I've heard him have a miserable show because the night before he learned a kid he hosted at his ranch passed away. I don't mean a kid he never met, I mean a kid he knew. You need to know how such an event impacted this man to know this man. His comments about the Rutgers basketball team were offensive . . . I'm a white male and they were offensive . . . I just wish Sen. Edwards defending paid campaign workers who referred to me as a "lousy motherfucker" was as offensive to non-conservative Christians.

People that read this page know that Revs. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson contribute NOTHING to the national conversation on race relations. It's with great reluctance that I address their existence. They will never apologize for anything they said during the Drunk Stripper Lies about Rape Case.

4:55 PM  

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