Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Where Does Karl Rove go?

Where does Karl Rove go to get his name back?

For those that missed it, last week, former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage (under Colin Powell) admitted that he inadvertantly divulged to reporters Robert Novak and Bob Woodward that Joseph Wilson's wife worked for the CIA.

I'm sure all of you can recall headline after headline of your local liberal paper announcing that Bush aide, Karl Rove, was headed back to the Grand Jury for more testimony. I'm sure you can recall headline after headline that Bush aide, Scooter Libby, was headed back to the Grand Jury for more testimony. I'm sure you can recall headline after headline, editorial after editorial in your local liberal paper accusing the Bush Administration of a conspiracy to discredit the already laughable Joseph Wilson. Lo and behold, it was Richard Armitage the whole time.

My newspaper, the liberally extreme Boston Globe, put the story at the bottom of page 2. Remarkably, it was not a front page story. Mr. Rove and Mr. Libby were not mentioned in the article. Remarkable.

Just a word on Mr. Armitage. He's a US Naval Academy grad. He served in Vietnam for 6 years. He is the father of 8 (some of which are adopted). He and his wife have cared for and housed more than 50 foster children over the years. I just thought you'd like to know a little about Richard Armitage that the media might not share with you.

Oh, and back to the "leak". As of now, all three people privy to the conversations, Armitage, Novak and Woodward are quoted as saying that Mr. Armitage said Mr. Wilson's "wife" worked at the CIA. Nobody is claiming that Mr. Armitage mentioned her by name . . . the pathetically lame, Valerie Plame. Mr. Novak nor Mr. Woodward are contending Mr. Armitage's slip was meant to harm. One has to wonder how long Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald is going to wait before he cuts Scooter Libby loose from forgetting what day it was when he told the truth. Recall, Scooter Libby is under indictment for giving Mr. Fitzgerald the wrong date that he told reporters Judith Miller and Michael Cooper the truth.

Anyway, so where does Karl Rove go to get his name back. I know, it ain't gonna happen. The mockers of kinder and gentler are in no way going to apologize. It's not what they do. But, indeed, where do the maliciously smeared go to get their name back?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally... I've been waiting for you to comment on this travesty of justice. The "exoneration" of Rove in our paper was a mere blurb- I'm sure most everyone missed it(the paper's intention, of course). This miniscule(unjust)coverage is akin to that of when the results from the independent media concluded that Bush still won the 2000 election even after their recount.
Now, that was an article that was hard to find!

Also, any comments on the Lefts support for censorship regarding the recent 9/11 docudrama on ABC?

9:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, it wasn't just that the Left "supported" censorship, but the shrieking and crying for it- oh my!...

10:08 AM  
Blogger Zack said...


The left-wing extemists objected to just two scenes based on my readings. Former Sec. State Albright and former NSA (and confidential document stealer) Sandy Berger each had an issue. That Bush never said "mission accomplished" is all I need to say about those that travel with the hate-Bush, Howard Dean crowd.

The docudrama event was a one day story. That ABC didn't pull it is evidence that it wasn't even close to the anti-Reagan thing that CBS pulled some years ago.

Saddam used WMD on his own people. This is a fact. He hid that he disposed of his WMD. This is a fact. Oops, the US still concluded you had them. Again, I stab your neighbor in full view of you. Walking toward you, I toss the knife into the woods. You don't see me do this. Still approaching you, you having a gun, do you shoot me or not? I can't write DUH! in large enough letters.

Finally, Anonymous, loose the Anonymous and take on a name. Develop an identity for this site.

2:56 PM  

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