Saturday, August 26, 2006

Republicans will Keep House and Senate

I'm kicking myself for not doing this post sooner; I've been saying this to my friends for quite a while. But now, it seems all the talk shows are talking about who's going to win the House and Senate so now my opinion may simply look like I'm parroting what a "professional" said. Oh, well.

Anyway, I just wanted to be on record so I can say, "I told you" so in November. The critic (or maybe Conscience) can remind everybody of this post if I'm wrong.

One other thing I'm predicting before the election (that may even drive the results I predict) - Osama bin Laden will be captured or killed. I just think with all of the international (which includes the United States) intelligence successes over the recent months, somewhere on a laptop exists some data that will help pin-point where OBL is hiding. Just a feeling.

A commenter a few posts back asked me about Tiger Woods and his wife. First, I'm simply not going to comment on Tiger's wife. My thoughts on Tiger Woods are he deserves each and every accolade. I don't see him practice, but I hear and read the stories. I think he just works so darn hard at what he does. I think the person that practices the most (read: works hard), should be near the top of his profession. I'll allow that some natural talent or luck will be involved in success in all occupations. In a sport that has attracted so many players, it is amazing how much better Tiger is than whoever is second best. When Jack Nicholas dominated the sport, who did he compete with? Two hundred players? I don't know, I'm making up a number. Tiger is competing against talent from all over the globe and he is far and away better than whoever is second best. I find that amazing. All this being written, as an American, I love him in the Ryder Cup but I do root against him every Sunday. Americans love the underdog, too, and that is exactly what I consider the entire Field in any PGA event where Tiger competes.

I think it is a positive sign that someone that is considered African-American (though I don't think Tiger considers himself as such) is #1 in endorsement dollars here in the United States (possibly the world). He replaced another African-American, Michael Jordan. I've written alot about U.S. race relations on this blog and I definitely think we have a long way to go, but I am optimistic about what these endorsement facts mean. I'm sure the commenter that asked me about Tiger wasn't expecting this, but any chance I get to write something positive about improving race relations, I have to jump on it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you think there's any negative political fall out if the murderer bin-laden is captured in the election season? I think such fall-out is folly, of course, but I wonder to what extent Sen. Kerry et al "suggest" political motivations, etc.

On a related note, I was [again] disgusted by the junior senator from massachusetts when I opened the editorial page of Friday's Wall Street Journal and found a letter to the editor from the shamefull senator.

4:38 PM  
Blogger Zack said...

Hardball, welcome.

There will most definitely be accusations made by the Left if bin Laden is captured or killed between now and election day; it's what they do. The President's approval rating hit 27, does anybody think if he could have produced bin Laden's head at his whim it woud have been produced already? It's what they do; simply no contribution of any substance. Demagogues and nothing more.

Google any prominent Democrat re: the war against terrorists or Iraq and there is simply no plan on what to do. Just criticism. A complete failure of leadership on their part and so many in the Country get right in line with . . . the Democrat's presentation of no plan.

As more evidence of my summer malaise, unbelievably, I missed the Great Equivocator's piece in the WSJ.

6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the key is to have a response plan!

Watching National Geographic TV last night very late and watched a "9/11" report. There are segments of video that should be on the TV every night...first the security films of the murderers passing through airport security (one of whom was "waved" with a wand with an unidentified object in his back pocket (knife?), the one from ground level of the first plane hitting the Tower engines screaching, and one from across NY harbor of the second plane plowing into the second Tower as the person taking the video screaming "oh my god!", and finally pick one of the so-called "jumpers". I nearly rang up my local navy recruiter!!!

9:01 AM  

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