Monday, July 10, 2006

North Korea's Brilliant Asymmetric Warfare Play

Two more letters submitted to the Boston Globe over the weekend:


Knowing how susceptible the Hate-America First crowd and the liberal print media are to asymmetric warfare (see the recent suicides at Guantanamo Bay, for example), if I were Kim Jong-Il, leader of North Korea, the "failure" of the recently launched Taepodong-2 missile is exactly what I would have ordered my nuclear weapons technicians to orchestrate. The extremists on the Left, and even some moderates, fell right into line, "North Korea is no threat."

Or, I take absolutely no comfort, as the liberal extremists apparently do, in nobody knowing where a nuclear-warhead-tipped missile may land. In other words, I don't think US national security policy should be "let'em launch and let us hope". (End of first letter.)

In the following letter, I changed "liberal extremists" to "people" on the off-chance that the Letters Editor is tiring of my use of the phrase; though, the Letters Editor doesn't seem to tire of letters that call President Bush a "liar" and "stupid" and "arrogant", and, well, you get the point.


If the people mocking President Bush for not attacking North Korea or Iran given his authorization to liberate Iraq after 12 years of diplomacy and 17 failed UN Resolutions spanning three Administrations only knew how stupid they sounded. (End of second letter.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always a pleasure to come into work after the weekend to fresh material on zacklyright. If it walks and talks like a duck, blah, blah, blah, it's a liberal extremist so don't stop using the phrase.

8:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

been reading all along but haven't commented in a while; pretty good stuff

2:52 PM  

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