Saturday, July 08, 2006

I'm An Idiot! (Misplaced Trust in Democrats)

The last sentence of my last post gave kudos to the Democrats in the New Jersey Assembly that were preventing Jon Corzine, the liberally extreme New Jersey governor, from raising the state sales tax by 17%. Well, the Assembly folded quicker than Sen. John F. Kerry ever has and gave the Governor exactly what he wanted with no concessions to the taxpayers of New Jersey. I'm an idiot for thinking, even for a second, that Democrats could resist the innate need to raise taxes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the talking points. This post is filled with inaccuracies. Corzine is not seeking a 17% increase in the sales tax. It is a 16 2/3% increase. You say that the legislature folded quickly? I'm sure some of the State's workers wish they had folded more quickly. It is interesting how Conservatives like to try and smear Liberals, comparing someone with supposed ultra-liberals like John Kerry, or Ted Kennedy, or calling tax and spend liberals, or cut and run. Nice slogans. Liberals don't have an innate need to raise taxes. Liberals have an innate desire to be fiscally responsible, unlike the Republicans who seem to have an innate need to be fiscally irresponsible. If I ran my household finances like the Republicans run the budget, I would be in big trouble. Further, concerning Corzine, you seem to ignore the fact that the sales tax increase is intended to ease property taxes and help with the budget deficit. And a lot of people in New Jersey like what Corzine is doing.

11:45 AM  
Blogger Zack said...

As I said, I'm an idiot. 1/6 is in fact 16 2/3% and not 17%. I'll certainly try to be more accurate in the future. Anonymous ignores that New Jerseans contend with arguably the highest property taxes in the Country. The homeowners and taxpayers appreciate the Governor and his cronies in the Assembly looking out for them!

12:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well at least we can agree that you are an idiot.

12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Methinks "anonymous" above does not hail from the overtaxed, overburdened state of NJ. I do, and cannot find a soul that approves of what Corzine, and now the Assembly, are doing. I suggest "anonymous" read a newspaper or two and check out the Letters to the Editor and the Editorials. Citizens and even liberal journalists alike are outraged. Also, thanks to "anonymous" for clearing up the 1/3% overstatement by Zacklyright. He really was bending the truth to prove his point wasn't he?

7:37 PM  

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