Monday, July 03, 2006

Massive, unwarranted, spying?

A couple of days ago, the Boston Globe printed an essay by an attorney that addressed the media's responsibility when it obtains national security information. The essay devoted much time to President Richard Nixon, the Pentagon Papers, the New York Times and the U.S. Supreme Court. Well, as you can image, the writer hates President Bush. How do I know? Because even supposed intellectuals that hate the President cannot hide their true feelings about him even when there is no need to so expose themselves.

Oh, and, yes, it's the July 4 Holiday weekend so I'm electing a super short post by just re-printing my letter to the Boston Globe in response:


Mr. Thomas D. Herman wrote a fairly decent scholarly piece, well documented facts with logical or arguable positions, addressing the responsibility of the press when it comes into possession of confidential national security information (For the press, responsibility is balancing act, June 30, A17).

Then he flushes his entire essay with the following sentences about surveilling terrorists, "This (the surveillance of terrorists) is nothing new: Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said that 'for as long as electronic communications have existed, the United States has conducted surveillance of [enemy] communications.' Massive, unwarranted spying on Americans, however, is new."

Massive, unwarranted spying on Americans? Oh, he must mean the NSA program briefed to Congress that is limited to contacts between a suspected al Qaeda operative where at least one of the participants on the telephone is outside the United States. The hate-Bush hyper-ventilating on the Left betrays even the most scholarly of arguments as gratuitous, fear-mongering, truth-contorting replaces reasoned thinking.

Great, the Boston Globe published another hate-Bush op-ed piece by another hate-Bush propagandist. Whose undecided mind was this essay supposed to influence? Whose decided mind was this essay supposed to change? Or, simply, was this essay just more hate-Bush food for the already infected? (End of letter.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

bush started ball rolling on spying with NSA before 9/11
that Flushes your arguments.

10:33 AM  

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