Friday, June 23, 2006

An al Fedaban American?

This was the letter the Boston Globe thought was worthy of publishing on June 21, 2006 that addressed the barbaric torture and death of two American soldiers that were prisoners of war in Iraq:

The agony and death of the two soldiers reportedly tortured in Iraq is the responsibility of George Bush. Their blood, like that of tens of thousands of others killed in this illegal war, stains his hands. Congress lacks the courage to impeach our criminal president. Until his term ends or there is an occasion of real judgment, many more lives will be lost at his filthy hands.

Jack (Last Name Withheld)
Duxbury, MA

My quick letter in response:


I guess, if the terrorists are going to brutally torture and then murder all their U.S. prisoners of war then they won't have to endure UN or Amnesty International delegations inspecting their prisons. What a brilliant, global, public relations move. And, no condemnation of the murders from the global media, either! Locally, The Boston Globe allowed a letter writer to assign responsibility for the murders to President Bush's "filthy hands" (letters, June 21). Another example of the terrorists' extraordinary ability to use asymmetric warfare and exploit a compliant liberal media. Absolutely brilliant. But, by all means, close Guantanamo Bay.

I suspect that while Privates Kristian Menchaca and Thomas L. Tucker were being barbarically treated the detainees at Guantanamo enjoyed three or four meals, peacefully slept in clean sheets and were allowed to quietly pray to their God. Oh, the incivility! Close that horrible, horrible place called Gitmo! (End of letter.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

he's al fedaban alright

11:37 AM  

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