Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Great Equivocator . . . equivocates!

Short and sweet, please re-read my August 23, 2005 post (it's simple, it's the first entry when you click on August just to the right on this page). Then, read just the quick excerpt below from a story that appeared in yesterday's Boston Globe. Sen. Kerry stole the staff! I know, I'm ZACKlyRight again! No, I don't tire of it.

Kerry demands US troop pullout
Regrets his vote for war resolution
By Rick Klein, Globe Staff June 14, 2006

WASHINGTON -- Senator John F. Kerry is placing himself at the center of congressional action over the war in Iraq this week with a crisply worded resolution to require President Bush to withdraw almost all US troops by the end of this year.

The measure has exposed Kerry to attacks from Republicans and some Democrats, as critics rushed to tag the plan as a "cut-and-run" strategy. But it also has made him a rallying point for antiwar activists.

The sweeping resolution amounts to the senator's sharpest condemnation of the war and his broadest repudiation of his own vote to authorize force. It also stands in contrast to his handling of the war issue during his campaign for president two years ago.

"My friends, war is no excuse for its own perpetuation," Kerry said before a group of cheering liberal activists who had gathered in Washington yesterday for a "Take Back America" conference. "It is essential to acknowledge that the war itself was a mistake -- to say the simple words that contain more truth than pride. . . . It was wrong and I was wrong to vote for that Iraqi war resolution."

It was a concise distillation of principles that Kerry, the Massachusetts Democrat, did not produce in the presidential campaign, during which his language on Iraq prompted attacks from the Bush campaign that he was weak and inconsistent.

His effort to spell out his views on the war in the clearest possible terms now appears to be partly an attempt to remake his image for a possible second run for the presidency . . . . (End of excerpt.)

Also, if you care to do a few clicks, read today's column by Ms. Joan Vennochi of the Boston Globe. It's as though she read and plagarized my August 23, 2005 post. Anyway, Ms. Vennochi has been covering the Great Equivocator much longer than I have so she should know. The path is, Today's Paper, Opinion. For those that don't do the simple research, I re-print just the closing few sentences, "Kerry's painful repositioning on Iraq raises some tough political questions: Is this too little, too late -- or better late than never? But the toughest question Kerry faces isn't about war, it's about credibility."

Oh, how many ignorant lemmings will follow this clown?


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