Sunday, May 14, 2006

Why we fight? Ask a Democrat!

The letter I submitted to the Boston Globe today:


In the May 13 issue a letter writer asked, "why and what are we fighting" in Iraq. The letter writer is obviously not listening to the President of the United States, the leader of the global war on terror, George W. Bush and that's understandable given the liberals who dominate the national media. However, might I suggest the letter writer, or anyone else not listening, simply ask the Democrats in Congress or the former President of the United States, William Jefferson Clinton.

Ask any one of the Democrats that voted with the majority of the Senate in the initial authorization to use force in Iraq; I'd suggest asking either Sens. John F. Kerry or Hillary Clinton or former Sen. John Edwards as they were the three most prominent Democrats to support the President.

Staying with the Great Equivocator, Sen. Kerry, ask him why on August 9, 2004 he said that knowing what he knew at that late date (the war already into its seventeenth month!), he would have still voted for the war.

Ask any one of 43 of the 44 Senate Democrats who voted for $50 billion in additional war funding on October 7, 2005.

Ask any one of the 187 House Democrats why they voted against the immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq in November 2005. I suggest you start with Rep. Jack Murtha (PA) who voted with the President.

Ask any one of 43 of the 44 Senate Democrats that voted for $65.7 billion in additional war funding last Monday, May 8, 2006. Again, may I suggest you start with either of Massachusetts' two Senators who voted for the funding. Or, ask Sen. Clinton who also voted for the funding.

Finally, ask former President Clinton. In a December, 1998 speech announcing air strikes against Iraq and that included at least eight phrases implying Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, he said, "They (the strikes) are designed to degrade Saddam's capacity to develop and deliver weapons of mass destruction . . . so we will pursue a long-term strategy to contain Iraq and its weapons of mass destruction and work toward the day when Iraq has a government worthy of its people."

Why do we fight? Ask a Democrat in Congress, or the former President, and insist on an answer . . . unless you think their votes are meaningless and they don't take them seriously or the commitment of U.S. troops is not serious. (End of letter.)

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrats support the war effort! Why do they act as if they don't and why does the press not explain this support?

7:44 PM  

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