Monday, May 01, 2006

The Great Equivocator VI, Going for VII

Ah, True Centrist, you thought I was done with the Senator. Nope, I wrote the following in the fall of 2004 (prior to the election) and submitted it to the Boston Globe, the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Wall Street Journal. Of course the Globe and Inquirer didn't print it, nor did the WSJ, but I did get an appreciative note from the WSJ:

In Massachusetts, he's known as the Great Equivocator,
To the rest of the Country, the most liberal Senator.

In the salons of Manhattan, your every day elitist,
To fetus-friendly Americans, a left-wing extremist.

He's arrogant, aloof, the grandmaster of the flip-flop,
His answers are nuanced and convoluted, he just can't stop.

He's smart? Brilliant? A 1966 graduate of Yale,
Why does he say such idiotic things on the campaign trail?

A Vietnam vet'ran known for his Senate testimony,
For goodness sakes, he gave aid and comfort to the enemy.

An opportunist living in Boston, Nantucket, Ketchum,
A chameleon masquerading, he's busted! he's a bum!

Don't ask him to state his meandering position on Iraq,
You'll prick his sensitivities then suffer verbal attack.

Come November, as the result of an educated vote,
He'll become an unremarkable political footnote.

His lust for raising taxes - scary.
The scoundrels full name: John Forbes Kerry.

Provided he doesn't say anything stupid (gee, what are the chances?) that isn't also ignored by the liberal media (they're always doing him favors), I should have just one more Kerry post this week. It will be a re-print of my published letter to the Boston Globe from July 6, 2003 that I think proves I coined the phrase "Great Equivocator" and explains why I (over?) use it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

awesome! looking forward to vii.

5:07 PM  

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