Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Amazing, Brilliant Six!

Six retired generals have recently called for the resignation or firing of Secretary of Defense (SecDef), Donald Rumsfeld.

For those that have the pleasure of subscribing to the Boston Globe, these are the most amazing, brilliant, unblemished generals in the history of the United States military.

Actually, dropping the sarcasm, I'm positive they are each extraordinary soldiers; the most out-spoken is retired General Anthony Zinni who from 1997 to 2000 was commander-in-chief of the United States Central Command, in charge of all American troops in the Middle East, the same job once held by General Norman Schwarzkopf and General Tommy Franks. General Zinni is most definitely knowledgeable and his opinion should be respected. But then, I'm on record over the last 8 months of being massively pro-military (give them what they need, listen to what they have to say). I think, as President Bush and the SecDef does, that every serviceperson that wants to be heard should be heard. This puts the three of us opposite the extremely liberal Boston Globe and all those that hate the President; the Globe and all those that hate the President think that only those military personnel that disagree with the President or the SecDef should be heard; clearly, these military personnel are the most qualified, the most brilliant, the most sensible, the list of accolades is endless.

To wit, in today's Boston Globe, Mr. Charlie Savage writes, that Secretary Rumsfeld is "now under fire from many retired generals" (Document's link Rumsfeld to prisoner's interrogation, April 15, A1). Many? It's six! It could be twenty and I wouldn't be moved. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of retired generals in the United States. To find six that disagree with the President or the SecDef is not difficult. That some think six is justification for the SecDef to resign is sheer idiocy.

Well, also in today's Globe, their second editorial calls for exactly that (Revolt Against Rumsfeld, April 15, A10).

I recall during the 2004 Presidential election 255 Swift Boat Veterans of the Vietnam War publicly questioned the fitness of the Great Equivocator, Sen. John F. Kerry, to be President of the United States. These 255 Veterans were denigrated by the liberal media and they most certainly were denigrated by Senator Kerry. Contrast this with President Bush and SecDef Rumsfeld saying that the Amazing 6 are absolutely entitled to their opinion.

I also recall that many senior military personnel questioned a Commander-in-Chief that was also a draft-dodger and that was also impeached for obstructing the investigation of a woman's claim of sexual harassment against him. I recall these military men were reprimanded. I do not recall the liberal media supporting them. I don't recall the liberal media supporting them because the liberal media didn't.


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