Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Just a post to let everyone know I'm alive; there just hasn't been anything in the news that has gotten me excited enough to construct an involved post.

Immigration has been in the news alot. To be honest, I don't know what the folks at the "demonstrations" are "demonstrating". When I read the news story explaining a particular gathering, it reads more like a "rally". Also, trying to express an opinion on this issue is not simple. If 20 conservatives and 20 liberals got together to discuss the complete issue, there would be 40 different opinions once everyone expressed an opinion on every aspect of the complete issue: wall versus no wall; focus on protecting the border versus not; amnesty program or not; guest worker visa or not; target businesses hiring illegal immigrants or not; prefer the phrase "illegal immigrant" versus "undocumented worker". If I stop here, that's 64 combinations (2 to the 6th) of opinions. I'd much rather try to convince people that a fetus is human life (maybe because this is so easy) than have to convince folks of my particular combination on these immigration questions . . . or, maybe in the future, because the issue isn't going away, I'll take a stab at addressing the questions one at a time.

Duke lacrosse has been in the news alot. I think everybody should just wait for the facts to come in before they say anything on this issue they may regret. This thing can go anywhere from the absolute worst of crimes to Tawana Brawley. Why anyone would touch this issue before more facts are in is beyond me.

Declassifying National Security Estimates, mistakenly referred to as "leaks" by the liberal media, has also been in the news lately; I think everyone knows where I stand based solely on this sentence. Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald has had the information for months that the liberal media has just received. Fitzgerald has not charged anyone with a crime based on this information (my guess is because he knows the law) yet the liberal media (which obviously doesn't know the law) is having a massive political orgasm. If another picture of Abu Ghraib abuse is uncovered tomorrow, will that also be another huge headline manufactured to harm the President? Oh my gosh, another video tape has surfaced that the President knew before August 29, 2005 that a hurricane was going to hit New Orleans!

And speaking of Katrina, the bird flu has been in the news alot. Just so everyone knows how seriously the Bush Administration takes the flu issue, please remember that Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff was at a flu conference in Atlanta when Hurricane Katrina made landfall in New Orleans. I'm sure I'll have plenty of opportunity in the future to remind everyone of this fact . . . Heaven knows that the liberal media will forget it when it suits their purpose.

I'm guessing that pollsters releasing polls that the President is unpopular have not worked in any questions about the 4.7% national unemployment rate or the Dow being within easy striking distance of an all-time high.


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