Saturday, April 29, 2006

The Great Equivocator V, Run! Please, Run!

Liberal extremist Ms. Ellen Goodman wrote an op-ed piece this week beseeching the Great Equivocator, Sen. John F. Kerry, to not run for his Party's nomination for Presidet of the United States in 2008. You can go find the entire article yourself, provided you also secure a barf bag or bucket, so I only repeat just a few sentences here, "The signs that John Kerry is going to run for president in 2008 are rising faster than the pollen count. There was the requisite New York Times op-ed -- How many days late? How many dollars short? -- on getting out of Iraq. There was the Globe op-ed that preceded the speech supporting war dissenters at Faneuil Hall to an audience of groupies yelling 'Run' and '2008.' There was Ted Kennedy's remark, 'If he runs, I'm supporting him.' And then there was his op-ed in The Manchester Union-Leader defending New Hampshire's place as first-in-the-nation primary. A true profile in courage."

On April 26, in The Great Eqivocator III, I wrote, "Some of you may think three letters in four or five days (see April 22 posting) is overkill except what some of you may not know is that Sen. Kerry has ramped-up his personal appearances and his public (idiotic) statements because he is most definitely running for a post he's not qualified for in 2008 (if he was misled by President Bush, and President Bush, according to the left-wing extremists, isn't qualified because he's dumm, then by the transitive property of stupidity, Sen. Kerry is not qualified).

No confirmation yet on whether Ms. Goodman is reading my blog, "internalizing it" then writing her own piece.

Anyway, my letter to the Boston Globe in response to Ms. Goodman's plea:


As a proud Republican that has enjoyed the accomplishments, so many of them bi-partisan, of the Bush Administration and who desires a continuation of the same, I can only hope Sen. John F. Kerry does run for president again in 2008 and that he gets his Party's nomination; I cannot imagine a better way to ensure a Republican victor (Don't run, John Kerry, April 28, A17)!

And for the hate-Bush crowd ignorant of his accomplishments, allow me to list just a few:

The three most important votes in the United States Senate related to the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001, those for the original Act, the defeat of a filibuster upon renewal, and the renewal itself, were a combined 284 - 14!

The overwhelming authorization to use force in Iraq; the "authorization" was agreed to in the House 296 - 133. Sens. John F. Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and John Edwards, to name just a few Democrats, voted with the majority in a 77 - 23 vote. On October 7, 2005, the Senate voted 97 - 0 to spend another $50 billion on the war on terror in Iraq; forty-three (of 44) Senate Democrats voted in favor (Sen. Patrick Leahy missed the vote).

The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (EGTRRA); passed the Senate 62 - 38, twelve (12) Democrats voted in favor. This legislation passed the House 240 - 154 with 28 Democrats voting to give a tax cut to every single American that paid/pays taxes, to eliminate the marriage penalty, and to eliminate the death tax.

The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act; passed the Senate 54 - 44, eleven (11) Democrats voted in support of the bill including liberal stalwart, Ms. Dianne Feinstein (D, CA). The legislation was endorsed by the AARP, a fantastically liberal lobbying group.

The allocation of $15 Billion in AIDS relief for sub-Saharan Africa. This was approved by a voice vote in the Senate and passed the House 375 - 41.

The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act; passed in the Senate by a near veto-proof tally of 64 - 34, seventeen (17) Democrats united with all but three (3) Republicans in support. This law passed the House with another near veto-proof tally of 281 - 142.

The Born-Alive Infants Protection Act was passed by both Houses of Congress by a veto-proof 98-0 vote in the Senate and a veto-proof 380-15 vote in the House. This law essentially says that infants born alive are, well, alive. Pro-abortion Senators and Representatives even agreed that infants that survived a failed abortion were worthy of saving. Yes, these chameleons only thought the babies were worth saving after attempts to kill them failed! Anyway, President Bush united 478 members of Congress to support this legislation.

The No Child Left Behind Act; passed the House 381 - 41 and the Senate 87 - 10.

The confirmation of just about everyone! Even two U.S. Supreme Court Justices were confirmed by overwhelming bi-partisan votes.

Finally, I'm certainly not complaining about no terrorist attacks on U.S. soil since September 11, 2001 (see USA PATRIOT Act above), the 4.7% national unemployment rate (it's much lower here in Massachusetts!, also, see EGTRRA above), and the robust GDP numbers signifying a healthy national economy (again, see EGTRRA above).

Please, Sen. Kerry, run! (End of letter.)


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