Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Great Equivocator III, The Country's Strength

Quickly, another letter the Boston Globe received from me this week:


On ABC's Sunday morning talk show "This Week", Sen. John F. Kerry said, "This country is strong enough to withstand retired generals, or admirals, or anybody standing up and saying, 'this is how I feel, this is what is going on'" (Kennedy says he'd back '08 Kerry run, April 24, A4).

Not surprisingly, the Senator, renowned for his equivocations and strangely nuanced arguments, still denigrates 255 Swift Boat Veterans who, 35 years ago, carried rifles in a swamp halfway around the world and most certainly earned the right to speak and be heard.

Is the irony and hypocrisy of the Senator's words and actions lost on everyone but me? To beat a cliche, where's the outrage? (End of letter.)

Some of you may think three letters in four or five days (see April 22 posting) is overkill except what some of you may not know is that Sen. Kerry has ramped-up his personal appearances and his public (idiotic) statements because he is most definitely running for a post he's not qualified for in 2008 (if he was misled by President Bush, and President Bush, according to the left-wing extremists, isn't qualified because he's dumm, then by the transitive property of stupidity, Sen. Kerry is not qualified). I hoping against hope that somebody in the liberal media will get around to asking the Senator a tough question, but in the meantime, I'll do what I can here.

Oh, I did write my reporter pals at the Boston Globe and asked if they were ever going to recall why they went to journalism school, but, so far, nobody has gotten back to me. I'm not holding my breath.


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