Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Great Equivocator VII, I was first!

Re-printed below for your enjoyment is my published letter to the Boston Globe dated July 6, 2003:

Great Equivocator will be political footnote (no kidding, this was the huge title over my letter)

First, thanks to the Boston Globe for its weeklong series on the Great Equivocator, Senator John F. Kerry (June 15 - 21).

Those who read the entire series learned what I've been telling my liberal friends for 15 years: Senator Kerry is a political coward who is completely incapable of articulating his position on any substantive issue.

What I learned from the series is that Sen. Kerry's unpatriotic beliefs were established so long ago. I thought his anti-Americanism was a relatively new thing in his life.

Finally, and most disturbing, there was no mention in the series on the Senator's lust for voting tax increases on the "rich". Recall that Senator Kerry voted for President Clinton's tax increases in the 1993 budget, the single largest tax increase on the American taxpayer in the history of our Country. The tax increases were targeted at those making more than $75,000 (the "rich"). At the time, Senator Kerry was making $125,000 per year as a United States Senator and complaining about the high cost of private schools for his two daughters (italics edited out by the Boston Globe).

I'm sure the hard-working, tax-paying residents of the electoral-vote-rich New Jersey and Illinois, and all the points in between, will be impressed by Senator Kerry's leadership on economic and social issues.

I suspect an article called "John F. Kerry: The Making of a Political Footnote" is about 12 to 16 months away. (End of letter.)

I googled "John Kerry Great Equivocator" and I can find no reference made by anyone to "Great Equivocator" earlier than July 6, 2003. Most of the references come in the summer of 2004. If anyone can find a reference earlier than mine, I'll stop using the accurate description. However, I'm pretty sure I was first.

Added at 9:22 am: I just finished reading the Wall Street Journal; if you want to read a great piece on white/western guilt, minimalization/restraint and the stigmatization of things American, check out Mr. Shelby Steele's piece (White Guilt and the Western Past, May 2, A16) in the editorial section of that paper.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations, you self-promoter, you were first!

9:58 AM  

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