Thursday, December 01, 2005

War in Iraq

As long as there are liberal extremists making decisions at the Boston Globe there will never be a dearth of material to draw from for my posts.

The Boston Sunday Globe had an entire section of letters devoted to the war in Iraq on Sunday, November 27. There were six letters hostile to the President of the United States and one letter from a widow of a hero killed in Iraq that was asking for support for the troops.

I simply don't understand the position of the Boston Globe, the letter-writers and the liberal chameleons in the United States Senate. Literally, folks, their position seems to be we hate Bush . . . and that's it. They rail against the President but he's supported by every vote in the Senate and the House. Then, those that oppose him politically in the Senate and the House come out onto the steps of the Capitol and speak as though they disagree with the President in hopes of appealing to the liberal media . . . and the liberal media buys it.

The Administration simply did not impugn the character of Rep. John Murtha. There are simply no quotes from anyone in the Administration that could possibly be construed in that manner. Yet, the liberal media fuels an environment where liberal extremists can lie to themselves and now, with over-the-top indignation, accuse the President of insulting a war hero. Sen. Hillary Clinton rebuked Rep. Murtha by saying that withdrawing from Iraq now would "be a big mistake." Did she insult him? Of course, not.

Two hundred and fifty-five war veterans that served in Vietnam earned enough medals to armor-plate a Humvee in Iraq that Sen. Kerry voted against armor-plating (recall his vote against $85 billion in support after he voted to send the troops to Iraq). Whether you agree with these men or not, they absolutely earned their right to speak without their character being impugned by the liberal extremists. These 255 men, of course, are the self-named Swift Boat Vets and POWs for Truth. That the left, and especially Sen. Kerry, has morphed their name into a pejorative verb is disgusting. Where's the outrage? Rep. Murtha should speak. He has every right to say whatever he wants without being called a name. But 255 men that also carried a rifle in a swamp are vilified because they don't support Sen. Kerry? ALL veterans should be treated with respect; it would be nice if the liberal media showed some toward these men or any other veteran that supports Sen. Hillary Clinton and the President.

Recently, the House of Representatives voted to not withdraw from Iraq by a 403 - 3 vote. Are the 187 Democrats that voted to support the President STILL being "misled" by the Administration? C'mon? Plan and simple, folks, you are due for a check-up you think "brilliant" Sen. John F. Kerry was duped by "dumb" President George W. Bush. I cannot underscore this enough . . . if you believe a veteran and former prosecutor with 20 years of experience in the Senate that sits on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee was fooled by Bush on a matter of national security and the military, you need help. Cannot a single Democrat in the Senate or House hire a staffer that has more intelligence than anyone the President hired? No? Really?

The letter I wrote to the Globe Monday, November 28 (go to for the full text of this war hero's comments on the war on terror):


Wow, the U.S. House of Representatives recently voted 403 - 3 to not immediately withdraw troops from Iraq and the folks at the Boston Sunday Globe can only find letters that are hostile to the President to publish (America at War, November 27, K12)! Five to nothing; now that's an honest debate!

I could write pages and pages of rebuttal to the intellectual dishonesty that the Globe decided to print, but I'll simply try to make just two points:

First, as I wrote above, the vote in the House was 403 - 3. Notables voting with the President and voting to not immediately withdrawal the troops were Reps. John Murtha (D, PA), a 73-year old Marine veteran decorated for combat service in Vietnam, Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), house minority leader, Charles Rangel (D, NY), also a veteran, and nine of the ten Representatives from the State of Massachusetts (Rep. Michael Capuano voted "present"). Maybe the Boston Globe can send a reporter to ask my Congressman, Rep. James McGovern, why he agrees with the President and supports leaving our troops in Iraq. Please let us all know so maybe the next pro-withdrawal letter published can be one critical of Rep. McGovern.

Second, the day after Rep. Murtha argued for withdrawal (but, later voted against withdrawal), another Representative addressed the House in support of the war on terror. His name is Sam Johnson. Mr. Johnson served in the United States Air Force for 29 years. He was a prisoner of war in Vietnam for seven years and he served more than three and a half of those years in solitary confinement. The day Mr. Johnson was returned to the general prisoner population from solitary confinement, he presented himself to the assembled American officers and said, "Lieutenant Colonel Sam Johnson reporting for duty, sir." Mr. Johnson's decorations include two Silver Stars, two Legions of Merit, the Distinguished Flying Cross, one Bronze Star with Valor, two Purple Hearts, four Air Medals and three Outstanding Unit Awards. Mr. Johnson, certainly, has earned the right to speak . . . and be heard. Why weren't his comments covered in the Globe? It's outrageous that the liberal media is "cherry-picking" comments of veterans to attack the President. ALL of the veterans deserve to be heard. It is absolutely chilling that the hate-Bush crowd believes that only veterans that are critical of President Bush have any credibility. The denigration of 255 swift boat veterans that questioned Sen. Kerry's fitness for Commander-in-Chief has to stop. (End of letter)

There are 44 Democrats in the United States Senate; not one, according to them, has hired a staffer that is more intelligent than President Bush and anyone on the the President's staff that is responsible for crafting the Country's position on the war on terror.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

kerry, like gore, was robbed

8:57 PM  

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