Saturday, November 26, 2005

Sen. Kerry on OBL

I don't know if the Great Equivocator, Sen. John F. Kerry, is the most stupid United States Senator in history because I don't know much about all the other really stupid United States Senators.

I don't know how I missed this earlier, but about a week ago in a television interview, Sen. Kerry said, "President Bush allowed Osama bin Laden to escape from Tora Bora." The theme, over and over during the interview, was how inept President Bush is. Oh, really?

The above quote is a perfect example of the politics that a United States Senator, who should know better, is playing with our national security and the lives of our military personnel.

If I said, "President Bush captured Saddam Hussein", every hate-Bush extremist would scoff and say "the brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces captured Saddam Hussein." And they would be "ZACKlyRight". Nobody that says "Bush captured Hussein" implies he carried a gun and crawled in spider holes, yet the phrase is so offensive to the hate-Bush crowd.

The capturing of Hussein, the toppling of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the toppling of Hussein's murderous regime, and every other success in Afghanistan and Iraq is the result of an U.S. Armed Forces apparatus that consists of a civilian leadership supported by the best military infrastructure the world has ever seen (no apologies to the British or Israelis) . The U.S. military is well represented at the table where there is any discussion of U.S. military operations. Does anyone think that Bush says, "I think we should attack at midnight under the cover of darkness using Apache helicopters accompanied by gunships, two insertion teams and a TRC pinch at dawn"? C'mon? No President, not even, God forbid, a President Kerry, would draft military operations. The President says, I want to liberate Kuwait, how do I do it? The Joint Chiefs of Staff huddle with the civilian leaders and they develop multiple plans. There is a weighting of success and casualties. Then, presentations are made to the President and she/he signs-off on one of the options. Senator Kerry knows this yet he still chooses to play politics with the inability of the United States to capture OBL. Cheap and disgraceful. Par for the course with this chameleon.

Unless, of course, Sen. Kerry is criticizing the brave women and men hunting OBL in Pakistan. Maybe somebody in the liberal media can ask the Senator to elaborate when he says, "President Bush allowed OBL to escape Tora Bora."


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