Saturday, November 05, 2005

One Life or Two?

On Thursday night, just northwest of Boston, a pregnant woman and her unborn baby were killed in a automobile crash resulting, apparently, from two other cars drag racing.

The letter below was submitted to the Boston Globe this morning:


The automobile crash on the Lowell Connector Thursday night that took the life of Mrs. Deborah Hornberger and her unborn child is a horrific tragedy.

I'm willing to take the risk that my reference to the crash just two days later will offend many, but this is exactly the time to attempt an open discussion on abortion, especially with a U.S. Supreme Court nominee before the United States Senate. How else to save the lives of other unborn children but to make pro-abortionists reconcile this tragedy with their pro-abortion position? My sincere, public, heart-felt apology to Mr. Brant Hornberger and Mrs. Hornberger's family if I offend them with this letter.

Mrs. Hornberger's unborn child was human life. The Boston Globe reporter that wrote the story and any editors that read the draft signed-off on the following phrases, " . . . the unborn child who died . . . ", " . . . her unborn child . . . (was) the fourth fatality . . . ", and " . . . Hornberger and her child . . . (two times!)". In this story, the Boston Globe got it exactly right. The unborn child was human life. It is disgraceful to me that the Boston Globe can use such phrases on page B1 but deny the unborn child is human life on the editorial page.

Plain and simply, the line between "child" or not is absolutely not whether Mrs. Hornberger was on her way home to her husband or whether she was on her way to get an abortion (again, apologies for the harshness, but I believe it is necessary). Only an extremist can think that what is going through a mother's head defines what is in her tummy. The fetus is always human life and worthy of all the protections offered in our Constitution . . . life being foremost. My hopes are that Judge Samuel Alito agrees. If any reader of this letter agrees this unborn child was human life, be prepared to be called an "extremist" or "radical" by those that support abortion.

If anyone is charged in the death of this child, the defendant can certainly question how a State that protects abortion-on-demand can now argue this baby's death was vehicular homicide or similar.

Let's memorialize the extremely short life of this baby by challenging "rights" extended to women in this Country at the expense of the right to life of innocent unborn babies (end of letter).

Wow! Yes, a huge chance I'm taking with this letter if published, but 3,000 babies are still being aborted each day in this Country. Let's have the discussion. Again, what the mother (wants the baby)/carrier (wants to abort the baby) thinks of the fetus is absolutely not how human life is determined.

I copied the Globe reporter that wrote the story that kept referring to the fetus as a "child". I'll let you know if he responds. I'll ask him if the pro-abortion crowd (I think that might be everyone but him; I would have sworn the Globe had a "pro-abortion litmus test" for any employee) is ignoring him in the Globe lunch room. I'll ask if "extremist!" post-it-notes are being left on his computer monitor.

Two human lives were ended last Thursday night. Make no mistake about it.

I'm trying desperately to get to A-giving-money-to-C-so-C-can-give-money-to-D-and-only-B-committed-a-crime, but, as you can see, much more important issues need to be discussed.


Blogger ron said...

Also the Oklahoma City bomber was convicted to 166 life sentences. One for the unborn child in a pregnant mom.

3:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You complete asshole for some unknown reason I was lead to this site to read your garbage. I personally knew Deborah and Brant Hornberger . I also know that they would have made wonderful parents. You are obviously not human if you cannot leave this absolute tragedy out of your insane argument regarding abortion.

4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous, Brant wasn't killed or aborted so I hope you mean you "know" him. I think "zacklyright" knows they would have been great parents; also, he's arguing that the fetus was human life, you know. His arguments "insane" and you think the Hornberger's would have made wonderful parents? Parents to what? The thing in Deborah's belly that's got you so worked up isn't worth protecting until born? You're insane.

7:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree this was not a fetus it was a child!

2:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This should NOT be tied into abortion at all! Let the truth be told 2 lives were taken. Mr. Hornberger does not need people arguing over this, he needs our support and we should be honoring the two lives that were lost. The above comments show have "insane" people are....

2:29 PM  

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