Monday, October 31, 2005

Alito; Catholic and Italian

Short and sweet tonight, I've got three kids looking to go trick-or-treating and my role as father trumps my role as educator.

During the 2004 Presidential campaign, President Bush promised that if elected he would nominate Justices of the mind of Scalia and Thomas. The American people voted in overwhelming numbers for George W. Bush. And, this morning, President George W. Bush kept his campaign promise.

It will now be interesting to see what kind of stranglehold the extremists of the Democrat Party have on the seven moderate Democrats (do they really exist?) that agreed to not filibuster any U.S. Supreme Court nominee except for "extraordinary circumstances." Clearly, Judge Alito does not fit the definition of an extraordinary circumstance.

My pick a few days ago that the next Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court would be Judge Emilio Garza was partly based on he being a Latino. Given the choice between a brilliant Hispanic-American and a brilliant Italian-American, I thought Judge Garza's ethnicity would tone down the vitriol of the liberal extremists; that the Country could experience an intelligent conversation on the role of a U.S. Supreme Court Justice. Instead, the liberal extremists have pounced on Judge Alito with unprecedented speed and viciousness; Judge Alito's ethnicity offered absolutely no protection.

I'm concerned that Judge Alito is now at least the fifth judicial nomination of a Roman Catholic by President Bush that has been met with radical opposition by Democrats. Recall, the judges recently filibustered by the Democrats, Miguel Estrada (Hispanic-American male), Priscilla Owens (white female), Janice Rogers Brown (African-American female), and William Pryor, Jr. (white male), were all Roman Catholic. Odd coincidence or intolerance? When just one of "theirs" is challenged, Democrats think it is a pattern and they scream all kinds of ugly words: racist, sexist, homophobe, you know the litany. But, five?! Yes, intolerance, cleverly disguised, is alive and well in America; ask any Democrat, just as they argue there is "good" racism, their actions suggest there is "good" religious intolerance.


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