Monday, November 21, 2005

Kerry on Iraq; 403 with the President

Two more letters I recently submitted to the Globe; this first uses an opening sentence readers of this space have seen previously; the second, for those that recall my "accomplishments" list, grows the list by one; 403 - 3 for goodness sakes!


The first sentence of the lead story in the August 10, 2004 Boston Globe was, "(Sen.) John F. Kerry for the first time yesterday said he still would have voted to give President Bush the authority to go to war in Iraq, even if he had known in October 2002 that US intelligence was flawed, that Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction, and that there was no connection between Saddam Hussein and the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001."

Seventeen months after the invasion of Iraq and 22 months after his vote to authorize the war, the Great Equivocator, Sen. Kerry, still would have voted for the war. Today, the Senator cannot bring himself to call for an immediate withdrawal of all U.S. Armed Forces from Iraq yet he cannot stop criticizing those that are fighting the war on terror.

Simply, Sen. Kerry has lost all credibility on this issue. We don't need a political opportunist trying to score political points, we need a United States Senator to start doing the job he was elected to do. Resign or get to work, Senator.

Oh, and Senator, stop with the daily reminders that our "dumb" President "misled" you; it doesn't reflect well on your intelligence. (End of letter)


For those that missed it, the U.S. House of Representatives voted almost unanimously, 403 - 3, to support the President of the United States, George W. Bush, by voting down a resolution calling for the immediate withdrawal of U.S. Armed Forces from Iraq (House rejects troop pullout call, November 19, A2). Again, 99.3% of those that voted "yea" or "nay" support the President! The vote is an amazing statement of unity as 187 Democrats joined with 215 Republicans and the lone Independent; surely, the President is a uniter.

Notables voting with the President and voting to not immediately withdrawal the troops were Reps. John Murtha (D, PA), a 73-year old Marine veteran decorated for combat service in Vietnam, Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), house minority leader, Charles Rangel (D, NY), also a veteran, and nine of the ten Representatives from the State of Massachusetts (Rep. Michael Capuano voted "present").

Can someone please let Ms. Cindy Sheehan know that she can add 806 addresses to her list of locations to protest? No matter where Ms. Sheehan's capitulation tour travels, she will never be far from the office or residence of 403 influential people that agree with the President. I look forward to the media's coverage of Ms. Sheehan's protest outside of Ms. Nancy Pelosi's home or office. (End of letter)

A safe and happy Thanksgiving weekend to everyone; I'd prefer to enjoy it myself but if the blame-America first crowd says or does anything stupid (gee, what are the chances?), I'll chime in.


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