Saturday, December 10, 2005

Sex. Sex. Sex!

Liberal extremists permanently bitter over the bi-partisan impeachment of President Bill Clinton seem to be obsessed with sex.

A letter writer in today's Boston Globe goes through the standard "I hate George Bush" litany of complaints. You know the headliners: the President caused three hurricanes to flood New Orleans (huh?) and he's leading the global war on terror (huh?). The letter writer then adds a list of other "crimes", DeLay (huh?), Frist (huh?), Abu Ghraib (huh?), Libby (huh?), for example, and then suggests "the same Republican Party that zealously pursued President Clinton for a 20 year-old land deal and a sexual peccadillo . . . is too partisan . . . to investigate, much less impeach, one of its own." But before we get to the Left's obsession with sex, what high crime or misdemeanor did the President commit that is impeachable? He caused a hurricane? He's executing a war on terror that Sens. John F. Kerry, John Edwards, and Hillary Clinton, among many others, voted for? Do stupid Senators really want to argue that a "dumb" President "misled" them in executing a war on terror that Sen. Joe Lieberman says we are winning? Do stupid Senators really want to argue a "dumb" President "misled" every single senior staffer of all the stupid Senators?

Now back to the Left's obsession with sex, as I wrote back on November 1, 2005, the radical Left just doesn't get it. I wrote then, "Again, today, for about the 50th time since the indictments (Earle's) last Friday, the Boston Globe is printing letters to the editor and allowing columnists to suggest the Clinton scandals were about his sexual relationship with an intern. Well, yes, to the extent we were trying to have a serious conversation about sexual harassment in this Country, I guess it was." Please go back and read the entire post and you'll get the play-by-play of President Clinton's unlawful behavior (perjury and obstruction of justice, nothing about sex acts).

Anyway, we all know President Clinton's impeachment had nothing to do with his consensual sexual relationship with a 20 year-old intern. The folks at the Boston Globe all know this. Yet, they allow gross factual errors to be published in letters. You know what happens then? I bump into someone at a dinner party or work that gets his information from the Globe and he ends up looking, and sounding, ridiculous. I love it, of course. But, it's hardly sporting anymore.

Anyway, my letter:


I don't know what is more hysterically funny, that a letter writer actually wrote, " . . . the . . . Republican Party that zealously pursued President Clinton for a 20-year-old land deal and a sexual peccadillo . . . " or that a Boston Globe Letters Editor was asleep at the wheel and actually allowed the factual error to be published (Letters, December 9).

As all of us that live in the real world know, and I'm sure the Letters Editor knows, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno asked for the Special Prosecutor to investigate President Clinton's land deal. We also know that General Reno expanded the investigation to include President Clinton's perjury and obstruction of justice in a woman's sexual harassment lawsuit against him.

What was also very funny, unintentionally so by the letter writer I'm sure, is that the letter writer chose "20" as the number of years that described the land deal. The same number could have been used in the sexual harassment reference (the age of the intern)! (End of letter)

In other news, Sen. John F. Kerry is now calling for 30,000 to 40,000 troops in Iraq into 2007 (Boston Globe, December 9). I don't know if President Bush is calling for that many, but I'm sure the President is pleased to know the most liberal member of the Senate is now on record as wanting so many. My goodness, the President is announcing that troops are going to begin coming home and Sen. Kerry is stating that troops should stay into 2007 and the liberal media is questioning and criticizing the President?


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