Sunday, October 09, 2005

Accomplishment #4 - The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. This law, ruled unconstitutional by several liberal judges that legislate from the bench, prohibited the killing of a partially delivered fetus (the head is delivered; the mouth could be gasping for the first breath; the eyes may even open). This kind of abortion was called "infanticide" by the late, and great, Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D, NY). This law passed the Senate with a near veto-proof tally of 64 - 34; seventeen (17) Democrats united with all but three (3) Republicans in support. This law passed the House with another near veto-proof tally of 281 - 142. Your usual liberal extremists cared not for the life of the partially born baby; the baby can't vote, afterall. Lincoln Chafee, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins were the Republican barbarians. Anyway, President Bush campaigned as pro-life and as President he delivered this law with fantastic bi-partisan support. I'm sure the U.S. Supreme Court will be looking into the constitutionality of this law (and the will of the people) very shortly.

Oh, and where are the Pat Moynihans of today's Democrat Party? Sen. Paul Wellstone (D, MN) tragically died in a plane crash. Liberal as they are, Sens. Russ Feingold (D, WI) and Joe Lieberman (D, CT), should be admired for courageously voting their conscience. Why are they not more prominent in their party? How lonely they must be in their Senate caucuses.

Also, I know I said "one accomplishment a day" until I exhaust the list, but yesterday, I started a list off the top of my head and I got to #16, and I didn't even do any research! So, I may double-up accomplishments over the next few days just so my list is out there by the end of the coming week.

I'll defer to any "commenter" if I get a vote wrong. The way I'm doing my list is by simply recalling a MAJOR piece of legislation (or action) that was promoted by the White House that I knew received overwhelming support in Congress or bi-partisan support in Congress (see another vote below). I then "google" the topic which pin-points the date of action. I then go to and try to find the roll call vote, if any. It is possible I misread the vote on the actual bill for a vote on amendments to the bill or other related parliamentary procedures because I am not an expert in Congress-speak. I think I got (will get) all the votes right, but if someone finds that I made a mistake, please let us know.

Next, I am not cherry-picking ridiculous pieces of legislation/action that had unanimous support in Congress. I'm not using a list circulated by the White House. I'm simply recalling all of the significant areas where the Executive Branch provided influence. My goodness, comparing the list to the Clinton years makes Bush look Rushmore-esque. I honestly cannot think of any major legislation or action promoted by the Executive Branch from 1992 - 2000 that would crack my current list of 16. NAFTA, The Balance Budget Amendment, the line-item veto, and fast tracking free trade agreements were all delivered to Clinton by a Republican Congress. I don't know the origination of FMLA and I'm not going to research it; I'll stipulate for the record that Clinton can have all the credit. I think we'll all agree FMLA is not comparable to the "greatest threat" to our national security.

Finally, on Friday, October 7, the Senate voted 97 - 0 to spend another $50 billion on the war on terror in Iraq. Ms. Cindy Sheehan won't take my calls, but if anyone can get through to her, please let her know that Sens. John F. Kerry, Edward Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, (ex-Klansman) Robert Byrd . . . okay, enough with the list, ALL 44 Democrats except Sen. Patrick Leahy (who missed the vote) voted in support of the aid. Maybe Ms. Sheehan can ask Sens. Kerry, Clinton and the others if they're planning to send their daughters to fight in Iraq.

Prior Accomplishments:
#3 - Libya gives up nukes.
#2 - Born-Alive Infants Protection Act.
#1 - North Korea pledges to give up nukes.


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