Thursday, October 06, 2005

For the hard of reading, this is a blog where I primarily react to the extreme liberalism/hate-Bushism of the Boston Globe; if you're down with that then I hope you enjoy the blog.

If you want more hate-Bush stuff, check out the Boston Globe, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, CNN, or just about any media outlet. If you want fair and balanced, watch Fox News.

To wit, just a few days ago, the Boston Globe printed a letter from an idiot (this is not too strong a word and I don't use it to be insulting; it's accurate) that said the investigation of President Clinton was a "GOP investigation". Now, for the intelligent and well-informed, we all know that U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno appointed the independent counsel that investigated William Jefferson Clinton and Madison Guaranty; the investigation was initiated by the U.S. Department of Justice that was headed by a liberal extremist. The intelligent and well-informed know that General Reno expanded the investigation to the death of Mr. Vince Foster. The intelligent and well-informed know that General Reno expanded the investigation to include the perjury by the President in a deposition in a sexual harassment lawsuit against him.

The letters editor at the Boston Globe should be ashamed of himself (I know it's a he; we correspond) for allowing the letter; he knows like all intelligent and well-informed people that the investigation was a General Reno initiative. But, consistent with the hate-Bush mentality of the Globe and the liberal media, they publish factual inaccuracies to incite their hate-Bush base. They should be so proud.

Starting tomorrow, okay, tonight, a daily posting of a President Bush accomplishment that either demonstrates his status as a uniter or his amazing foreign affairs gravitas (Boy, I hope I can stay with it for the many nights that will be required!).

Accomplishment #1 - Just a few weeks ago, North Korea announced its abandonment of its nuclear weapons program. Recall, during the 2004 Presidential Debates, the Great Equivocator, Sen. John F. Kerry said that a nuclear armed North Korea was the "greatest threat" to the security of the United States. Okay, so I don't take North Korea at their word, I lived through the Clinton Administration and empty promises extended by the same North Korea, afterall. But, a declaration by this rogue state is certainly progress. A liberal will have to help me here, but is this not something we should be praising the President for? It's the "greatest threat" to our national security! Damn those category 5 hurricanes that are so much more easily controlled.

Tomorrow night, for accomplishment #2, I think I'll go with something that passed both houses of Congress with veto-proof majorities, my goodness, so many to choose from!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are clever to suggest you are a centrist but you are not. I am. Your comments about the radical left are accurate, though. I'm not completely buying your arguments for the right. I'll chime in when you need to be corrected.

8:22 PM  

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