Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Random thoughts on Hurricane Katrina:

People (Bush-haters) believe what they want to believe.

Can you imagine that if instead of a Coast Guard rescue helicopter flying 30 minutes to evacuate a New Orleans resident that didn't want to leave their home, the rescue helicopter more quickly found the resident that did want to leave the floodwaters?

People (Bush-haters) believe what they want to believe.

How can it be that the liberal media found every single person that wanted to be saved and was not and the Coast Guard, the National Guard and the New Orleans Police Department kept finding residents that did not want to be saved?

People (Bush-haters) believe what they want to believe.

How many people died in New Orleans because rescue helicopters and the Coast Guard wasted time trying to evacuate people that refused to be saved?

People (Bush-haters) believe what they want to believe.

If President Bush positioned Federal troops in and around New Orleans prior to Katrina, solely to preserve the peace, would Rev. Jesse Jackson have called him a racist for suspecting the worst in the New Orleans residents?

People (Bush-haters) believe what they want to believe.

By not prepositioning security forces prior to Katrina, will President Bush be revered for believing in the best of the New Orleans residents?

People (Bush-haters) believe what they want to believe.

In the first 100 yard dash ever run, I would have cheered a 10 second performance.

People (Bush-haters) believe what they want to believe.

Two hundred New Orleans city school buses and 300 New Orleans city transit buses were pictured drowned in flood water. (Let's assume only those that DID NOT want to be saved would have used these if the Mayor or Governor offered them.)

People (Bush-haters) believe what they want to believe.


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