Saturday, August 20, 2005

Sent both of these letters to the Boston Globe recently; as of today, neither was published. Surprise, surprise.

My goodness, does anyone think that the crowd could ever support Sen. Clinton after their hostility toward President Bush over the war on terror? Sen. Clinton supports the war! I cannot wait to see the rationalization when the time comes.

Letter #1

Conceding, just for the purpose of this letter, that President George W. Bush is stupid; how stupid, exactly, does that make Sen. John F. Kerry?

Either, enough with the "President Bush is stupid" letters and cartoons or at least never again use the words "brilliant" or "intellectual" or similar to describe Sen. Kerry.

To argue Bush is dumb and Kerry is brilliant certainly identifies at least somebody as REALLY stupid.

Letter #2

So it seems Ms. Cindy Sheehan and her pals in the liberal media are incapable of participating in an honest discussion of the merits of the war on terror. Oh, the fun they are having in mockingly asking if President Bush is so confident of his position "will he send his daughters to fight"?

Okay, let's play along. Since Sens. John F. Kerry and Hillary Clinton voted for the war and STILL support the war, will anyone in the liberal media ask if they are willing to send their daughters? Cannot we all imagine Sen. Kerry saying that he would send his daughters before he ultimately decided not to send them?

Or, can we please stop with the intellectually hollow, hate-Bush, cheap shots coupled with this equally cheap, but obligatory, response and, instead, have a real conversation on the merits of the war. The American people, but especially the soldiers fighting the war, deserve nothing less.


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