Thursday, August 11, 2005

So, I recently spent 4 days with a guy from San Francisco. Yes, he's a liberal, but I didn't assume that when he introduced himself. I waited for the subject of politics to come up (about day 3) and he described himself that way.

Anyway, he launches right into the Iraq War and that Bush lied. Oh, my God, these people get their talking points from the same person . . . and that person knows how to say only one thing, "Bush lied about Iraq".

Well, if I could just spend 5 minutes talking to the liberal, single-talking-point, issuer, I'd like to ask him/her:

Why did Sen. Hillary Clinton vote for the Iraq War?

Why did Democrat presidential nominee Sen. John F. Kerry vote for the war?

Why did Democrat vice-presidential nominee Sen. John Edwards vote for the war?

Do you blame Sen. Kerry, 19 years as a United States Senator and a member of the Foreign Relations Committee with access to exactly the same intelligence that President Bush had, for not having the courage to ask ANY tough questions prior to his vote?

Are you disappointed that Sen. Kerry, supposedly a seasoned prosecutor, did not have the skill to ask ANY tough questions prior to his vote?

Is President Bush smarter than Sen. Kerry?

Do you blame Clinton holdover, former CIA Director Tenent, for faulty intelligence?

Do you give any credit to President Bush as a uniter for holding over one of Clinton's appointees?
Do you deny, as the Boston Globe DOES NOT deny, that Saddam Hussein used weapons of mass destruction against his own people?

Do you deny, as Sen. Kerry DOES NOT deny, that Saddam Hussein used weapons of mass destruction against his own people?

Since Sen. Clinton voted for the war and STILL supports the war, can she possibly be the Democrat Party's 2008 presidential nominee?

Did Tony Blair, Clinton's closest ally, become an idiot and liar on January 21, 2001?

Do you acknowledge that terrorists bombed the World Trade Center in 1993? Do you acknowledge terrorists bombed two US embassies and a Navy warship (the US Cole) in the late 90's? Did you know that the POTUS for all 4 bombings was Clinton? Hum, do you think they hated us before Bush was elected?

I made no notes prior to this post; I just sat down and started typing, the questions just simply cascade one after the other?

Can a liberal answer any of these without looking ridiculous?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write of liberals receiving their talking points from the liberal media, what do you do just hook your IV to the Fox live feed or Rush, or do you have one in each arm? As is typical of most right wing "ditto-heads" you never address the issue because you are unable to, you never addressed the "guy from San Francisco's" point, that Bush lied, you proceed to write about what Senators Hillary Clinton and John Kerry did or didn't do but you never address the issue, that this administration deliberately mislead the American people into supporting a defenseless war, radicalizing a country that was the least threatening to the United States at the time of the war and has since become a breading ground for future terrorists. By the way, let me guess, you are a good Christian, a little unprovoked killing of innocent civilians is acceptable to you, correct, after all what would Jesus do?

9:58 PM  

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