Saturday, October 08, 2005

Accomplishment #3 - Libya abandoned its nuclear weapons program! Hello? Is anyone in the real world paying attention? I agree with the Great Equivocator, Sen. John F. Kerry, and the Boston Globe that the proliferation of nuclear weapons, especially by rogue states, is the greatest threat to the security of the United States. Well, Libya is cashiering its nuclear weapons program. My goodness, making progress on those "greatest threat" items is certainly unrewarding for the Bush Administration. Instead of a speech acknowledging the success of the Bush Administration in Libya and North Korea, Sen. Kerry will blast the Administration in a speech later today on the environment. I'm not making light of environmental concerns, but I'm not the Democratic presidential candidate that said the proliferation of nuclear weapons by rogue states was the"greatest threat" to the security of the United States. A little perspective here? I can find no public remarks by Sen. Kerry about the progress made by the Bush Administration re: nuclear weapons, Libya and North Korea. I laugh when I recall liberals thought Sen. Kerry had foreign affairs gravitas.

For review:
Accomplishment #2 - Born-Alive Infants Protection Act
Accomplishment #1 - North Korea's declaration to abandon its nuclear weapons program


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