President Obushma - The USA PATRIOT Act of 2010
Regular readers here know that I've been keeping a rather robust list of all of President Obushma's reassertions of President Bush.
I'm not going to re-produce the list now, which numbers well over 40 significant reassertions.
Instead, I simply want to alert readers to the latest reassertion as the subject matter gave great fuel to the liberal extremists who railed against President Bush.
First, a little quick history: The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 was passed in the United States Senate by a vote of 98 - 1, Senator Russ Feingold (D, WI) was the lone dissenter. On March 2, 2006, the United States Senate reauthorized much of the 2001 Act by a vote of 89 - 10. Notable Democratic Senators in support were Obama, Biden, Clinton, Kennedy and Kerry.
Well, yesterday, President Obama let Congress know that he supports extending 3 provisions of the 2006 Act that are set to expire at the end of this year.
As I tell all my Republican and conservative friends, if you ever have the good fortune of engaging in debate a delusional liberal extremist on almost any national security matter, simply share, "I agree with President Obushma and President Bush (provide you do, of course)."
The email I sent my liberal friends in the media:
No letter, just a quick email.
And no reproduction of my now 40+ list of significant reassertions of Bush by Obama (retentions of under-resourcers Gates and Mullen fast becoming my satirical favorites).
I trust you all saw President Obama wants to have three provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act of 2006 extended. Recall, the 2001 Act fueled much of the hate toward President Bush. Recall also that on March 2, 2006, then-Senators Obama, Biden and Clinton voted for the 2006 re-authorization. Also voting for reauthorization were our Senators, Kerry and Kennedy.
I wonder if an interim Senator must also support the reauthorization as Kennedy would have (the application of the extremely stupid health care logic) or would an interim Senator be free to spew "shredding the Constitution" rhetoric and vote against any reauthorization?
My tag line I will repeat, the Emperor is wearing Bush's clothes.
ZACKlyRight (End of email to my liberal friends in the media.)
Regular readers here know that I've been keeping a rather robust list of all of President Obushma's reassertions of President Bush.
I'm not going to re-produce the list now, which numbers well over 40 significant reassertions.
Instead, I simply want to alert readers to the latest reassertion as the subject matter gave great fuel to the liberal extremists who railed against President Bush.
First, a little quick history: The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 was passed in the United States Senate by a vote of 98 - 1, Senator Russ Feingold (D, WI) was the lone dissenter. On March 2, 2006, the United States Senate reauthorized much of the 2001 Act by a vote of 89 - 10. Notable Democratic Senators in support were Obama, Biden, Clinton, Kennedy and Kerry.
Well, yesterday, President Obama let Congress know that he supports extending 3 provisions of the 2006 Act that are set to expire at the end of this year.
As I tell all my Republican and conservative friends, if you ever have the good fortune of engaging in debate a delusional liberal extremist on almost any national security matter, simply share, "I agree with President Obushma and President Bush (provide you do, of course)."
The email I sent my liberal friends in the media:
No letter, just a quick email.
And no reproduction of my now 40+ list of significant reassertions of Bush by Obama (retentions of under-resourcers Gates and Mullen fast becoming my satirical favorites).
I trust you all saw President Obama wants to have three provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act of 2006 extended. Recall, the 2001 Act fueled much of the hate toward President Bush. Recall also that on March 2, 2006, then-Senators Obama, Biden and Clinton voted for the 2006 re-authorization. Also voting for reauthorization were our Senators, Kerry and Kennedy.
I wonder if an interim Senator must also support the reauthorization as Kennedy would have (the application of the extremely stupid health care logic) or would an interim Senator be free to spew "shredding the Constitution" rhetoric and vote against any reauthorization?
My tag line I will repeat, the Emperor is wearing Bush's clothes.
ZACKlyRight (End of email to my liberal friends in the media.)
I'm so sick of the liberal hypocrisy.
I think with these Tea Parties, the American people have awakened from there zombie-like state and have gotten their ire up and are now taking to the streets. I have not hear anybody make the comment that the Right(conservatives) very very very rarely, dare I say never, protest, period. The liberals and the media are making a huge mistake, mocking and insulting these highly motivated group. I'm positive the intensity will carry through to the 2010 elections and then look out Dems.
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