Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bush Was Apparently Right; Liberals Attack Anyway

Late last week the publishers of former Department of Homeland Security Tom Ridge's soon-to-be-released book, "The Test of Our Times", shared the most damning anti-Bush material from the book so that the liberal extremists could have another hate-Bush moment. Specifically, Secretary Ridge thought that Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld and US Attorney General John Ashcroft were advising raising the color-coded threat level in advance of the 2004 elections for political reasons rather than because of a recently released videotape of Osama bin Laden threatening America. Naturally, the liberal extremists who always see exactly what they want to see regardless of the facts, including my (news)paper the Boston Globe, spun the material as politics did play a role in moving the threat level.

The letter:


I was going to write a letter reminding your readers that liberals and Democrats shamelessly demagogued the August 6 PDB, that the group which included Rumsfeld and Ashcroft did not ultimately recommend to Bush raising the threat level following a threatening video from bin Laden just prior to the 2004 election, that Ridge does not claim Rumsfeld and Ashcroft ever mentioned a political motive to raise the threat level but only the threatening video, and that Bush, apparently, making the right decision is the most sexy pre-book-release tidbit the publisher could release prior to Ridge’s “The Test of Our Times” hitting the bookstores but then I realized I’d rather mock the Bush-obsessed Editorial Board by reminding the Board and your readers that Bush isn’t President anymore, Illegal-War-Continuer-Afghan-War-Escalator-and-Guantanamo-Bay-Jailer Obama is President (Orange alert: politicizing national security, editorial, August 23). (End of letter.)


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