Monday, August 17, 2009

Selective Monolithism and Cheney Derangement Syndrome

Y.E. Yang won the 91st PGA Championship yesterday. Mr. Yang is South Korean; he is the first "Asian-born" player to win a major golf championship. I do not know if my (news)paper, the Boston Globe, thinks Chinese-Americans, Japanese-Americans and North Korean-Americans, to list just a few other types of Asian-Americans, are as thrilled with Mr. Yang's victory as South Korean-Americans are. The letter I sent to the Boston Globe on an eerily related matter the day before:


I appreciated and understood the need for the liberal Boston Globe to concoct a front-page story noting many American Jews support President Obama despite the President's open hostility to the current Israeli government (Many-voiced Jewish community, August 14, A1).

It is no surprise that the liberal Boston Globe could not do a similar story on the varied opinions within the American Latino community during the Sotomayor hearings and impending Senate confirmation vote. That is, I also appreciated and understood why it was in the Globe's self-interest to promote the monolithic and shallow thinking, as insulting as the promotion was, of the Latino community.

I, of course, know that many American Latinos cared less about Sotomayor's ethnicity and cared more about national security, right to life, the Second Amendment and lower taxes, to just name a few issues of more importance to the Latino community. (End of letter.)

On Saturday, three days after the all-male Editorial Board published yet another lead political cartoon lampooning Gov. Sarah Palin, it published an editorial noting (and celebrating) the policy differerences between President Bush and Vice President Cheney (no, I'm not kidding). The letter:


Good grief, the editorial board of the Boston Globe is now going to spin Vice President Cheney's subservience to President Bush as a reason for a divide in the Republican Party after years of delusional editorials and idiotic letters claiming Bush was Cheney's puppet (Cheney: Even George W. failed him, editorial, A15)?

Yet another case of the liberal extremists twisting and spinning selected quotes and pieces of history to fit their desired, lunatic narrative. (End of letter.)


Anonymous hardball said...

Is Thailand in Asia?

I think there's a golfer who's parents are of African-American (father) and Thai descent (mother). Assuming Thailand is still in Asia, I think that would qualify said golfer, particularly if he's won a major tournament, or fourteen.

5:54 PM  

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