Wednesday, June 06, 2007

A: Of Course He Will

Q: Will President Bush pardon I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby.

First, to remind everyone where I stand on this, I reproduce a comment I made to my post of March 14, 2007:

Your neighbor's babysitter takes the kid into town for an ice cream cone. Your neighbor comes home and finds the house empty. In a panic, he calls the police because he suspects kidnapping. The FBI is called. Twenty minutes later the babysitter returns home with the kid. The kidnapping investigation is closed.

The FBI comes over to your house anyway and asks if you've eaten out lately. You say, "Yes, last Friday." You are called before a Grand Jury and asked the same question under oath. You again answer, "Yes, last Friday." Your credit card receipt strongly suggests you were there Saturday . . . as does the waiter, who was shown your picture . . . as does the valet, who was shown your picture. The Grand Jury indicts you for obstruction of justice and perjury in the "babysitter kidnapping case".

You are subsequently found guilty of obstruction of justice and perjury in the babysitter kidnapping case because your answer under oath was deemed a lie by the jury.

What's not to understand about the Scooter Libby case? Shameless exploitation of a non-event by liberal extremists and their co-conspirators in the liberal media. (End of my comment from the March 14, 2007 post.)

So, now that we've established (in a much more clever way than the Wall Street Journal; they thought sharing the actual facts of the case was the way to go; silly them) that there was no crime, let's get beyond that and assess the politics.

Will President Bush pardon Scooter Libby?

Let's consider a few other things the President has done just over the last few years that might give us some insight:

Dem-agogues in Congress: DON'T APPOINT JOHN BOLTON to the UNITED NATIONS!

Figurative Presidential Response: Bite me.


Figurative Presidential Response: Bite me.


Figurative Presidential Response: Bite me.

Though, I'm sure the Corrupt Executives at the World Bank think they had the last laugh. Their case against Mr. Wolfowitz was more ridiculous than Mr. Fitzgerald's case against Mr. Libby.

It is interesting that Mr. Wolfowitz had almost unanimous support from all the African nations . . . Mr. Wolfowitz was actually getting World Bank money to the nations that needed it . . . and none of the European nations . . . again, Mr. Wolfowtz was actually slowing the flow of money to nations that didn't need it as much. Anyway, I wonder if those are the same African nations that are going to also benefit from President Bush's $30 billion commitment to fund AIDS relief.

Africa? Hey, isn't there a country in Africa committing genocide? No? Oh, you mean only one completely clueless goverment, in the entire world, is dumb enough to call the situation in Darfur a genocide? Of course! Naturally it's "dumb" President Bush! I digressed.


Figurative Presdential Response: Bite me.

I could go on, but you get the point. And, the items I listed above were not even the most pressing things the President's conservative base was demanding.

So, now President Bush can say "bite me" and get a pronounced bump from his base?

Gee, will President Bush pardon Scooter Libby?

Yes. Emphatically, yes.

And he'll do it like a man, not like a coward. Recall, literally 5 minutes before the fumigators arrived at the White House, President Clinton pardon Marc Rich, who was indicted in federal court of evading more than $48 million in taxes and with 51 other counts of tax fraud all while running illegal oil deals with Iran during the hostage crisis.


Blogger Zack said...


This post is just a little incomplete. Upon re-reading it this morning (I am my favorite columnist for my morning coffee), I think I'm giving people the impression that President Bush is making decisions just to annoy the people demanding otherwise. That is hardly the case. This President is most definitely doing what he thinks is right. Some call it arrogance, some call it stupidity, I call it informed confidence. Mr. Bolton did an outstanding job at the UN. Mr. Wolfowitz did an outstanding job at the World Bank (what more evidence do you need than the Europeans were unhappy and the African nations were thrilled?). I don't know if Mr. Fox is doing a great job. That these men were going to be appointed was no secret to the opposition; the shrill threats were nothing but pre-emptive posturing. The opposition knows that this President would not be deterred from doing what he was going to do.

This President, of all Presidents, does nothing based on polls.

7:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was shocked to see anyone testifying in the "Gonzales matter" in the wake of the Libby trial. Now that the verdict is in I can't imagine a circumstance under which a public servant would answer anything other than "I can't recall." Just terrible. Is it payback for Whitewater?

9:02 PM  

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