Saturday, June 23, 2007

Graphically Making My Point II

Stretching back to last Friday night, I had as rough a week of no sleep or poor sleep as I’ve had in a long time. During this time I had written about 1500 words in two different posts, with multiple edits, regarding the topic at hand. Re-reading both updated drafts this morning, I can’t make sense of any of it. Unrelated, and at the risk of irritating the pro-terrorist lobby, I am now an even stronger proponent than I’ve ever been of sleep deprivation interrogation techniques for captured enemy combatants. Last night, I would have told anybody anything to be allowed to sleep . . . of course, we want to make sure the terrorists aren’t just telling us anything but, instead, are giving us actionable information (thus, water-boarding!). Anyway, I don’t think anyone from the pro-terrorist lobby is planning to prosecute me for torturing myself.

Now, to the stealth racism of white, liberal elites who are rewarded with almost monolithic support from the African-American community:

I am pro-life. I’m not in the “in the case of rape” camp and I’d really need to hear compelling arguments from sincere medical experts to get in the “to save the life of the mother” camp; the latter just sounds like so much jive when the presidents of NOW, NARAL and Planned Childlessness say it.

Next, I am thrilled with the steadily increasing percentage of African-American voters who are voting for Republicans. As I’ve written before in Madison’s Factions-themed posts, the middle-class African-American community is rapidly growing and many in that community share traditional Republican concerns about homeownership and spiraling property tax bills, income tax increases, saving for their children’s college educations, saving for their own retirement, and as the African-American community is a huge Church-going community, it’s possible many in the community actually have more conservative views than some Republicans on same-sex marriage, to name just a few social issues of common ground. Anyway, I’m not pleased with the rate of increase African-Americans are voting for Republicans so I’m looking to accelerate that rate with this post.

During the 2000 and 2004 Presidential campaigns, President Bush promised to save Social Security (SSI), one of his few significant promises that looks to go unfulfilled. Though he considered a combination of many fixes to save SSI, the President was pilloried for suggesting to raise the retirement age. The militant black community and their enablers in the liberal media claimed this was racism as blacks have a lesser life expectancy than whites. You’ve got to be kidding me! With all that potential SSI recipients have to worry about, some are thinking to raise the retirement age just to stick it to the black man? I cannot overstate how colossally stupid you have to be to believe this argument from the militant black leadership (which is bent on preserving its power and NOT improving the lives of anyone in the black community). Of course, I need to point out that President Franklin D. Roosevelt fathered the SSI program with no recognition of the life expectancy differences between the races and Presidents Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter or, our first “black” President, President Clinton, did nothing to inject recognition of life expectancy differences into SSI rules. The militant black community and the liberal extremists successfully painted President Bush as having racist intentions, in the eyes of many, nonetheless.

Naturally, I don’t think women have a constitutional right to kill their unborn baby. The best I can hope for is that Roe v. Wade is struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court and then 50 states, independently, decide to outlaw the practice. But, what about allowing just black woman the “right”? The only Commenter on this topic, Anonymous (gee, what were the chances?) picked-up on my graphic implication but by using the phrase “by-product” suggests the white racist has a superior reason for supporting abortion “rights”. I’m comfortable, in the absence of any evidence, writing that no such white racist (pro-abortion rights belief being superior to racist belief) exists. The superior reason for a white racist to support abortion “rights” is because blacks kill their unborn, across all age groups, at about three times the rate that whites kill theirs. The “by-product” to these racists is they appear to be “pro-choice” to their liberal, pro-abortion, friends.

Philosophically, supporters of abortion “rights” are barely different than someone that thinks abortion should only be made available to blacks. Citing just the 20 – 24 age groups of White, Non-Hispanic and Black, Non-Hispanic for the years 1990 – 1999, Blacks induced abortion in a range of 118.9 – 137.7 times per 1,000 pregnancies while Whites induced abortion in a range of 26.3 – 41.9 times per 1,000 (source: the CDC report I mentioned in my last post). I wonder if the white racists consider the white abortions "collateral damage" if they cannot limit abortions to the black community.

And, provocatively, what would NOW, NARAL and Planned Childlessness think of allowing only blacks to kill their unborn babies? Wouldn’t they be in the awkward position of having to argue that blacks aren’t special and they could not have a “right” that whites did not have? Think about this for a minute. (Pause.) Thanks, you just saved me (and yourselves) about 200 words.

In my third question (which really isn’t a race issue; it’s a “culture of life” issue), I’m definitely suggesting that embryonic stem cell research proponents do not believe the destruction of a human embryo is the destruction of a human life; I'm being generous. If there is no destruction of human life, then what difference would it make to the proponents which embryos were destroyed? So, let’s legislate they will only be the embryos of blacks and find out. Or, let’s legislate it will only be the embryo of whites. Or Catholics. Or heterosexuals(?). I don’t care how you word the legislation to be offended by it. If you can come up with any group where such destruction would be offensive to you then you have to support President Bush and his allegiance to a “culture of life”. In arguing against my provocative legislation, don’t the proponents have to argue that all races, religions, sexual orientations, etc. must be proportionately DESTROYED?

This week, President Bush, fulfilled, yet again!, promises he made during the 2000 and 2004 Presidential campaigns; he vetoed legislation that would have expanded Federal funding of human embryonic stem cell research. Let me state very clearly and very emphatically, I do not know the difference this makes to researches who are now challenged to use adult stem cells, umbilical cord blood and amniotic fluid instead of embryonic stem cells; I’d love to hear from a researcher instead of the “culture of death” talking heads that took to the microphones this week. I do know embryonic stem cell research requires the destruction of a human embryo. The President’s actions this week were perfectly consistent with his “culture of life” beliefs.

In closing, very much like the anecdotes I laid out in “Crime and Punishment” just two or three posts below, Republicans and conservatives are hammered by militant black and guilt-ridden liberal whites that a change in SSI retirement ages has roots in racism. Yet, on an actual public policy position where support means supporting an activity where innocent black children are killed at three times the rate as white children, the militant blacks and liberal whites do not see nor do they have to explain their much more pronounced “racism” (please note my quotes).

The next time you’re at a dinner party, a family gathering, a guest on a radio talk show, being interviewed by a newspaper or any other venue where you might have exposure to non-militant African-Americans (to shock their sensibilities), militant blacks (to shock their insensibilities), or white, liberal extremists (to mock their idiocy) and the subject of abortion comes up, matter-of-factly say, “I think only African-American women should have the right to abortion.” Produce a blank, empty smile as you stand or sit there as though you just said, “I think it’s supposed to rain tomorrow,” you know, as you would say it if you were just attempting to fill a lull in the conversation. Though you’re graphically making a profound point, you might also want to be prepared to run.

I’m not sure the 12 hours of sleep I got last night helped, but these are some of my thoughts; please correct me where I’m wrong (as if!) or challenge me if you’re not clear on my points.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Maybe another hour of sleep.

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ZR, provocative and consistent as usual, but I think you're reaching a bit here.

First, I think there is a very small number of pro-choicers out there that actually hold their beliefs based on the 3:1 ratio. Furthermore, I don't think white racists are smart enough to even be aware of this statistic to let it figure into thier rationale. Also, aren't most white racists bible thumping southerners that claim they are pro-life anyway? Finally,I believe the vast majority of those in the Choice camp believe abortion is a right in the first place, although I'll concede that some may appreciate the "by-product" you referenced in the second place. (However, I doubt you'd ever get any to own up to it!)

7:36 PM  
Blogger Zack said...


I absolutely agree that no white racist is aware of the statistic and I'm absoluely sure that none are pro-choice, primarily, secondarily or any other -arily, hoping blacks will continue to kill their young at alarming rates.

My stated purpose (and if not, then maybe I did need another hour of sleep) of the post was to drive a wedge between the African-American community and the Democratic Party.

I'll continue to "say" and "write" what I know not to be true, though I an cite statistics that say otherwise, to be the hammer on the wedge.

Again, Republicans were labeled "racists" on a much less offensive and certainly less apparent Social Security claim. The bogus SSI charge was given credibility by the usual liberal suspects of the media.

7:53 PM  
Blogger Zack said...

And I’m off . . .

In 1989 and 1993, David Dinkens and Rudy Giuliani faced each other in consecutive NYC mayoral elections.

Whites voted for Giuliani by 72 and 73%, respectively, in those years. Blacks voted for Dinkens 90 and 95%, respectively. (If anyone web searches this to confirm my numbers, please let us all know what you found.)

You guessed it, the liberal media did story after story on how white racism played a part in Guiliani winning the ’93 rematch.

Democrats outnumber Republicans by 5 to 1 in New York City! The liberal media’s stories were not about the liberal, white racism that played a part in the rematch.

And, I’ve written it a million times: there are white racists and there are black racists. I don’t know which race is more racist.

I kid you not, this was a sentence in an Associated Press story about Sen. Robert C. Byrd on June 14, 2007 by an obviously idiotic liberal extremist named Charles Babington, “His political origins were certainly conservative, including a stint in the Ku Klux Klan -- membership for which Byrd has repeatedly apologized.” This sentence is outrageous. How does Mr. Babington still have a job? His origins were certainly racist not conservative!

I’ll continue to suggest, intimate, declare, argue, imply and anything else I can do that conveys the idea that liberals are racists; I’ll do so because convenient facts support the charge and because I’m so bloody tired of the accepted, ugly, premise about conservatives.

Gen. Colin Powell. Alberto Gonzales. Carlos Gutierrez. Alphonso Jackson. Rod Paige. Dr. Condoleezza Rice. I don’t even have to look them up; I just bang them out.

Against Dr. Joycelyn Elders.

This Comment deserves to be refined and made a stand-alone post; I’ll take my own suggestion under advisement.

9:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, ZR, sorry I missed the gist of your original post.Thanks for hammering it home-I get it now.

7:59 AM  

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