Thursday, June 14, 2007

Crime and Punishment

So, I was asked today, “what are your thoughts on I. Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby being ordered to prison while his appeal is being heard?”

What are my thoughts?

My thoughts are exactly the same thoughts I had when Sen. Robert Packwood (R, OR) was hounded out of office by the liberal media for sticking his tongue in an aide’s mouth while in that same time period President Clinton was sticking, well, you know, and the President was being praised by the liberal extremists and being protected by the liberal media.

My thoughts are exactly the same thoughts I had when the liberal extremists and liberal media were all-a-twitter because Rep. Mark Foley (R, FL) sent grotesque text messages to a House Page all the while the meda knew that Rep. Gerry Studds (D, MA) actually had sex with a House Page; Rep. Studds was given a standing ovation by his caucus on his first appearance in the House chamber after he was censured by the House. Rep. Foley RESIGNED from the House as he should have lest he be expelled. Rep. Studds continued to serve.

My thoughts are exactly the same thoughts I had when Rep. Robert Livingston (R) was hounded out of office because he had an affair while in that same time period President Clinton was sticking, well, you know. Rep. Livingston RESIGNED. President Clinton continued to serve.

My thoughts are exactly the same thoughts I had when Rep. Newt Gingrinch was hounded out of office because he had an affair in that same time period President Clinton was sticking, well, you know. Rep. Gingrich RESIGNED. President Clinton continued to serve.

My thoughts are exactly the same thoughts I had when Senate Democrats and the liberal media claimed outrage when President Bush fired 8 U.S. Attorneys knowing full well that President Clinton was stic . . . oops wrong reference . . . fired all 93 U.S. Attorneys! My goodness, General Reno torched approximately 20 children in Waco and Senate Democrats want to have a no-confidence vote on General Gonzales?

My thoughts are exactly the same thoughts I had when black, racial-arsonists, the liberal media and Senate Democrats attacked Sen. Trent Lott for saying something nice about a man on his 100th birthday but completely ignored that Senate Democrats elected former KKK member, Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D, WV), President Pro Tempore of the United States Senate. Sen. Lott RESIGNED as Majority Leader. Sen. Byrd is hailed as the “Conscience of the Senate” and stands third in the line of succession to the Presidency.

My thoughts are exactly the same thoughts I had when the liberal media sensationalized Sen. George Allen’s unscripted “macaca” joke and almost completely ignored Sen. John F. Kerry’s unscripted “our troops are stupid” joke. Sen. Allen lost his re-election bid by 7,000 votes and so went the U.S. Senate to the Democrats.

My thoughts are exactly the same thoughts I had when liberal extremists and the liberal media successfully tarred President Bush with supporting and directing the Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth (think about that; he was tarred!) even though there is absolutely no evidence of any contacts between the White House and the Swiftees. Meanwhile, there is substantial evidence linking the Kerry campaign to CBS News’ disgusting hit job on President Bush’s National Guard service, yet the public knows nothing of the Kerry campaign’s involvement.

My thoughts are exactly the same thoughts I had when Sen. Edward Kennedy (D, MA) . . . you know what, the Republicans don’t even have anything close . . . but Sen. Kennedy is the hero! of the extreme Left. The Boston Globe argues Sen. Kennedy is the most influential Senator of his generation. Hooray! for the coward and manslaughterer!

What are my thoughts? My thoughts are, lesser crimes (as if you can compare sticking your tongue and your penis in the same place comparable crimes; as if you can compare text messages to anal and oral sex) by Republicans are routinely portrayed as greater crimes than the actual greater crimes commited by Democrats. The punishment for inferior Republican crimes is greater than the punishment for superior Democrat crimes.

“Scooter” Libby was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice in a case where there was no underlying crime to obstruct! The liberal extremists think he should rot in hell . . . starting today! President Clinton committed the same crimes and there was an underlying crime to obstruct! He’s the darling of the liberal extremists and the liberal media. His net worth, all coming subsequent to sticking his, well, you know, is estimated at $10 - $50 million.

Well, I was asked today what were my thoughts; these are just a few of my thoughts. They are not meant to be comprehensive, just illustrative.

If someone could produce a single comparison where the actual “crime” of the Republican (or Conservative) was actually greater than the “crime” of the Democrat (or Liberal) but the Democrat was treated more harshly by the Courts, the Public, or the Media, I’d love to read about it.

Pardon Mr. Libby today, Mr. President.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zackly Right, you mean like Rush Limbaugh and Patrick Kennedy? Oh, I'm sorry, this is another example of what you were talking about.

7:26 AM  

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